Seems only fair to follow up after some of the earlier posts on this topic:
Prosecutors say John Kerry’s eldest daughter won’t be charged with drunken driving in Los Angeles.
Police arrested Alexandra Kerry in Hollywood last week on suspicion that she was driving under the influence.
Los Angeles city attorney spokesman Frank Mateljan says prosecutors declined to pursue a case due to insufficient evidence. He says they didn’t offer further details.
the Massachusetts senator’s daughter was pulled over for an expired registration and released after a breathalyzer test showed her blood-alcohol level was under the legal limit.
Mateljan says Alexandra Kerry isn’t facing any other charges.
I thought for sure she would get into some serious trouble. And we all know how her career could have been torpedoed by this arrest/release/no-charge/victory-party…
…about how the breathalyzer showed she was UNDER the legal limit, right?
I can’t help thinking that your hope she’d get in trouble was so strong that it overrode any thinking that was happening.
I support when “celebrities” get in trouble since it brings to light many social issues which we all have but gets swept under the rug. Whether it is drug use, domestic violence, drunk driving, extramarital affairs, cancer and so man other issues which we “live with” daily, I think the publication of famous people suffering or getting caught will help all of us address it. I also hope for things like this because I think celebrities think they are above the law and can do whatever they want. Most of that is our problem since we “look the other way” when the star quarterback goes too far with his date because we need him for the big game… so I like these people getting bagged (Linsey Lohan…). I do however get sour when these same people skirt the punishment for their indiscretions or crimes simply because they are famous. Don’t misinterpret this to mean I hope they get punished even when they are innocent.