Coakley and Capuano make the cut by virtue of their political resumes. Khazei’s public-service career also does it for me, though such is not the conventional path to the U.S. Senate.
I remain unconvinced, however, by the persistent idea that business experience alone, however brilliant, qualifies anyone to represent Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate.
Running a business, meeting payroll, and making money, especially in a competitive industry, are no mean accomplishments of course. Like completing medical school, running a marathon, or achieving excellence in almost any profession, business success may attest to personal strength of character. But without that public service, I’m not interested.
Go be a mayor or a state rep for a while. Have constituents. Or tackle something big and messy and outside of the marketplace. Get your hands dirty with political problems and structurally dysfunctional systems. Then you will command if not my vote (which you must still earn), then at least my attention.