Kudos to Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson as the only Democratic congressperson in the last hour to comment on the ridiculousness of Republican claims about the Health Reform bill being debated now (live on C-SPAN). The Repubs criticize the debt that will fall on our children (where were they during W’s reign?) and lob epithets like “government takeover of healthcare” and “dishonoring our freedom” while Democrats ignore the distortions and lies. Why are the Dems so polite?
I am going to start referring to the “Republic Party” and “Republic bills” to match the disrespect of their talking about the Democrat Party and Democrat bills.
Please share widely!
Finally another Democrat is taking the Republicans to task. Yes!! Take it to ’em, John!
Rep. Rob Andrews about the Repubs a minute ago: They were wrong then and they are wrong now! And now Rep. George Miller from CA is breathing fire. Finally. What took them so long? Were they keeping their powder dry until the end?
I can’t believe what liars the Republicans are. They really make me sick. They lie with a straight face and people actually eat it up.
p>I agree, it would be a big help if some of the Democrats would fight back and call them on their lies.