Martha Coakley has released a new ad that in some respects is startlingly similar to one of her old ads. Both involve a woman who has been treated badly by the health care system; both women then say that Martha’s the one to fix it. Compare:
New ad: | Old ad: |
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First she tells the Emily’s List folks she’d chose abortion access over health care in the house, now she tells everyone she’s committed to health care issues, always has been. I can’t blame her.
p>I think that’s what she’s doing here, why the commercials are “startlingly similar.” She’s establishing herself as an always has/always will be an advocate for health care.
tells the story of a woman forced to spend $700 a month for prescription drugs while on a fixed income. Martha’s campaign press release for the video.
She can beat back her detractors by reinforcing her support for progressive, HCR (and suggesting she’ll vote for it) without having to mention the caveat regarding abortion restrictions.
p>The bottom line, IMHO, is that the ones supporting her, support her position, the ones who don’t, support someone else, and the ones who aren’t quite up with the nuances of the HCR debate will feel comforted by this “reassurance”. Even if the ad is a rehash.
This ad covers a lot of ground, reassuring seniors about Social Security and Medicare and then tying that to HCR. I think it’s pretty effective. As for the similarities to her previous ad, all of the polling has pegged health care as the top issue in voters’ minds, and women are Coakley’s core demographic.
p>I think it’s smarter to target those issues and voters again than to talk about Dick Cheney and torture — an important issue, to be sure, but maybe a little dated and certainly not what voters are really thinking about right now.
I know both of them. Both great citizens IMO.
p>A funny coincidence that they’re both from Brookline.
If Coakley is elected Senator, I’m going to find a woman who lives in Brookline to call her office for me, so the problem is taken seriously.
is one of the principle aspects of promoting and passing substantial health care reform. And with just cause considering there’s no Social Security COLA for the first time since ’75 and prescription drug costs recently jumped 9 percent. Martha’s recent add is a good one, intelligent because it spotlights and speaks directly through and to that demographic.
a book not written about what I would like to see in reforming health care in America. It matters not because I am just a lowly peasant citizen who knows government will do the most evil and Satanically inspired thing when it comes to health care. It has already been written, already been studied, done, think tanked and paid for.
p>How do I know this? Well there was this company called Enron and instead of learning from history and the financial scamming they performed…..I need say no more.