The Globe has some fundraising numbers for the home stretch. The second column refers to the amount raised over the last 7 weeks, not the total amount raised.
Candidate — $ Raised — $ on hand
Coakley — $1.9 million — $1.9 million
Capuano — $1.8 million — $1.1 million
Khazei — $1.2 million — $500,000
Pagliuca — $350,000 — $17 gajillion
Brown (R) — $290,000 — $220,500
Robinson (R) did not respond to inquiries
Impressive numbers from all three Dems who are making any serious effort at raising money (Pagliuca for obvious reasons is putting his efforts elsewhere). Will Khazei’s poll numbers start to reflect the amount of money he’s raised, which has been pretty competitive all along?
The most surprising number was the over $300,000 raised by Pagliuca…given that it is well publicized that he has opened his own treasure chest and intends to see if a Senate seat can be purchased no matter what the price, why would anyone feel the need to write a check to support his ego-gratification effort?
I will never understand that…must have come from other equally wealthy folks who think of it as “play money.”
p>It would be more interesting to see the posting on Expenditures. Since Pagliucca has paid for everything from tv, radio and web ads to signature gathering to sign holders to his current “Paid phone banking voter ID calls”…it would be interesting to see just who has benefited from Mr. Pagliucca’s personal economic stimulus program.
p>At this clip, the SP campaign will probably break the $10 million mark by Dec 8th. Think about it…what better thing could Steve have done with his $10 million than underwriting an ego-trip? Even if he had donated it to Bob Kraft for a parking lot walkway, it would have saved the taxpayers at least that much.
I had offered this appreciation a few weeks ago.
p>Pags can’t win this primary. He just can’t. So, where is the money going?
p> * TV ads: production is local jobs; airtime money goes where? Dunno.
* Print ads: production is local jobs; owners of papers? Dunno, but they employ folks and are good for society, so that’s good stimulus.
* Signs, campaign staff, etc are all local jobs; their office supplies, catering, and etc are also local jobs.
p>Given the economy in MA (yesterday’s good employment news nothwithstanding), MA is better of for Pags running — he’s personally slightly reducing the gap between the uberrich and the working class, so that’s nice. Of course, every time money changes hands the state gets a piece in taxes, so that’s good too.
p>It’s the same reason why I love it when Mihos runs. The money does our society more good moving around than it does under his mattress.
I think the most surprising thing is Khazei’s cash on hand. Where has all that money gone? He seems to have the lowest TV presence of all the Dem candidates.
p>Is this about right, as far as spending?
p>Coakley – $2.1M (all her first period total)
Capuano – $2.1M ($1.8 + $350K, leaving him with his original cash on hand of $1.1M)
Khazei – $1.8M ($1.1 + $1.2 – $500K)
Pagliuca – $10M or whatever such nonsense
Heck I was offered a Khazei t-shirt when I signed a Khazei sign up sheet at a recent forum.