I think people who care about health care reform passing should all start paying attention to our interim Senator, instead of speculating about what the candidates might have done last Saturday or might do if they were in the Senate.
Senator Kirk, will, in a week or two, will be deciding whether he will vote for health care reform with or without restrictions on abortion.
So let’s get to him.
Please share widely!
I’m on the road with the handheld.
And yes, you’re quite right. Obviously the maneuvering in the Senate regarding Stupak (and everything else) began Saturday night, and from Saturday night through January 19, Senator Kirk’s vote — not Coakley’s, Capuano’s, Khazei’s, or Pagliuca’s — is the one that matters.
He’s in the tank.
If HR 3962 overcomes filibuster, the Senate merged bill would be offered as substitute:
On how they would vote on HCR in the Senate if abortions are restricted?