I cannot wait to see our differently-winged contributor JohnD sporting his BMG hat, or sipping java from his BMG mug. He, alone among all entrants, correctly predicted the results in what I arbitrarily designated as the five big races last night, making resort to any of the tiebreakers unnecessary. He got Mayor of Boston, Boston City Council, Mayor of Newton, NJ-Gov, and NY-23 all correct. Congratulations!
John, let me know what BMG merchandise you’d like, and I’ll happily send it your way. You’ll need to send me shipping address info – email me and it’s yours. đŸ™‚
Please share widely!
Can we get a picture of you with the schwag after you get it? Pretty please?
John McCain.
p>Hmmm….maybe John D is John McCain….
Looks like you have made it through denial, anger, bargaining and depression all the way to acceptance! Kudos. đŸ˜‰
for BMG swag….1) A Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker ( they have about 14 million of these lying around) – sport one of these on your bumper and park free in Cambridge ( except on May Day)
2. Carbon Credit Mug – everytime you heat your coffee with fossil fuels AlGore gets 1 million dollars credited to his Swiss Banc account. 3. Healthcare for All T-shirt – not bad but its double the cost of a private sector t-shirt and only comes in one size fits all
p>good job JohnD!
to JohnD.
If ever there was a case of a “blind squirrel” occasionally finding a nut then this was it.
p>Can I get a mug with the “Troll” image that kirth posted weeks ago?