Let us remember what Tom Friedman cheered for in 2003:
Because today Tom Friedman uses the deaths in Fort Hood for his own political purposes, and urges our President to insult Muslim people around the world.
In his Cairo speech last June, President Obama effectively built a connection with the Muslim mainstream. Maybe he could spark the debate by asking that same audience this question:
“Whenever something like Fort Hood happens you say, ‘This is not Islam.’ I believe that. But you keep telling us what Islam isn’t. You need to tell us what it is and show us how its positive interpretations are being promoted in your schools and mosques. If this is not Islam, then why is it that a million Muslims will pour into the streets to protest Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, but not one will take to the streets to protest Muslim suicide bombers who blow up other Muslims, real people, created in the image of God? You need to explain that to us – and to yourselves.”
In 2003, when Friedman took a “teach them Muslims how to behave” stance, America’s leaders were choosing to force a military solution on a troubled nation on the other side of the world. That turned out badly. And now, Friedman’s taking the same stance as Obama’s sending more troops into Afghanistan.
I got a bad feeling about this…
obroadhurst says
I never heard, and I never read, any comments by Friedman questioning apparent Christian silence over the many crimes of the Russian National Unity group during the second Chechen war. He has never devoted columns to holding Christianity as a whole responsible for the Lord’s Resistance Army. Yet, fanning flames of anti-Moslem hatred…
p>He’s more than happy to do that.
p>For the record, he’s wrong. Thousands upon thousands of Moslems all over the globe have taken to the streets to protest violence by the few extremists among them. One might imagine from reading Friedman that Islam was alone in having its small portion of extremists, but every religion has such. One might imagine from reading Friedman that Islam was silent in the face of it, but this is also false.
kirth says
all sorts of amazingly stupid things from reading Friedman. He does have his own unit, however, which is more than I can say.
christopher says
…the media need to do a better job reporting this. I personally know Muslims that absolutely hate what the extremists do in their name and I completely accept that Islam is a religion of peace. However, I am not aware of the thousands of Muslims protesting in the streets that you refer to. This kind of thing could just as easily be taken as friendly advice as harsh criticism.
obroadhurst says
How many Western media outlets reported for instance on these demonstrations?
p>Literally millions of Moslems in India protested Mumbai
p>The 2004 march in Oslo was also under-reported:
p>The 20,000 demonstrating against terrorism in Germany received more press in China’s news agency than in the West:
p>Perhaps Western outlets, and most especially those of the United States, have an ideological axe to grind…
p>It’s much easier to demonize Islam, I suppose, than it is to practice journalism.