The Fort Hill Muslim terrorist is the exception that proves the rule that calling this a “War on Terror” is like calling an increase in motor vehicle traffic enforcement a “War on Crime.”
What took so long for a free-lance Muslim to do this? The fact he was in our military and was unanimously chosen as the student “Most Likely to Gun Down a Crowd” showcases the “right-under-our-noses-with-smelling-salts” path to glory this guy took.
The last guy I think drove his car into a crowd somewhere years ago.. The “War on Terror” is really a war on extreme Muslims committed to an extreme interpretation of the Koran. The Koran gives a reader more opportunities then does the Bible to foolishly believe violence is acceptable.
So my question is, with all the Muslims in this country, statistically we should have had many more Fort Hoods starting on September 12, 2001. I mean what if the I.R.A. declared a terrorist war against the American Infidels back in the 70’s. Don’t you think there would have been a few knuckleheads from Dorchester and Charlestown and Malden and … that would have been out blowing up buildings on their own. Free lancing.
And that’s just Boston. Could you imagine NYC?
These of course would be on top of the real terroists plots that slipped through. The F.B.I. can’t stop everyone. That would be impossible.
Sure there are Muslims in the U.S. funneling dough back east but hey, that’s how the I.R.A. was funded for so long. And many other international terrorist groups.
We had the 9/11 guys that the F.B.I knew were learning how to fly w/o landing or taking-off, plus a log of other tid bits that should have raised red flags at any agency covering anti-terrorism.
But we needed the Patriot Act or else the Terroists win.
The Fort Hood guy was begging to be caught.
Te crap we do see is setting up the passionate yet semi-stupid Muslim by creating circumstances and opportunities, which otherwise would never ever occur, thus justifying there outrageous budgets and needless laws.
My favorite line in a Pags commercial is him saying, “I grew up in a middle class family so I know what is like to struggle and make ends meet”. (Or something like that)
Talk about insulting.
WTF. Pags, you are soo fill of it. Middle class life for children in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s 90s, 00,.. means being clueless of the financial struggles parents faced while raising them.
Kids settle comfortable into there middle class ways. Not rich, but not poor. And never will be in their minds.
Of course there are bumps in the road that kids become aware of more or less. But without the stress. As long as no job lay-off or family catastrophe, middle class kids have the life of Riley. Not much pressure.
Pags had a two income family back when there were few. A teacher and a salesman. Each were good middle class jobs back in the day. So tell us some personal stories Pags.
Hey Pags, did you forget where you came from?
I tickled the BMGers with my pro-Jeff Jacoby post yesterday. I’m just not a fan of gay marriage.
However, I really don’t care that much because it is the vows that matter and, if religious, the Church whose blessing is received. Not the piece of paper at city hall.
It’s just the principal, but I don’t see this becoming three-some marriages.
But,, and this is a big but, government funded abortion on demand is a whole nuther story.
Hey Deval and Bob Kraft. This foot bridge thing makes you guys the “Tin Ear Twins”.
My goodness, Bob, I know you drive a hard bargain but so un-cool right now. Build the bridge yourself and name it after you like you do for everything else.
Ian Bowles answers regarding the Middlesex Fells Development are specious and lack depth. Simply saying the state is forced to allow the massive development is a complete abdication of his executive responsibilities.
The developers will be adding four times the number of daily trips to the site almost doubling the daily road traffic. Yet, after agreeing with those numbers in 2001 they then denied this and now say the previous hospital had 8000 cars a day, more than the 7,000 they want to put in.
This deal stinks to high heaven.
Is there anything sadder then watching Mr. and Mrs. John Henry fool themselves into believing god-only-knows-what by taking advantage of our lame town and its huge vacuum of corporate and individual leaders.
Perhaps the McCourts’ soap opera playing out in L.A. may be sadder? Jeez, never saw that coming. I figured with the low profiles they kept nothing would go wrong in L.A.
Live and learn.
Boston City Councilor John Connolly for Suffolk County District Attorney!
Hey John, I suggest you give Attorney Howard Freedman a call on the q.t. and get some information. The facts surrounding the actions of many Boston police officers during and after the arrest the Celtic fan that later died are chilling and Search and Avoid Conley is complicit in allowing these cop(s) to get away with it.
Good to see the kid hit from behind by Gallooch got himself a good lawyer. Building that case for the soft tissue injury claim I believe. Get those damages up.
This isn’t about Gallooch, this is about his insurance company.
The courts will deal Gallooch, not the work up of medical and other bills to get over the tort threshold so a claim for pain and suffering can be made.
Something not right about this new Sal DiMasi indictment. These facts as reported sound sketchy. But I haven’ read the new indictment.
I probably should before I comment, huh?
I bet Capuano would give anything to have the opportunity to lay a beating on Pags. Sonny Corleone style. That would be better then sex for him.
Ya, but EB3 – wouldn’t he had to have DONE it to make a valid comparison?
there is a picture of him “in the combat zone” and he is listening intently, squinting because it appears the sun is in his eyes. In that shot, he looks like a thin Tony Soprano ready explode.
…Pags is channeling Romney:
p>Pure recycled crap from the ’02 campaign. The difference was that Romney cited his own family crossing east in the beat-up Rambler (with the dog crated on top)to the frontiers of Harvard Business School.
You only like me for my nice big polls.