The Pioneer Valley is crawling with Senate candidates this weekend as three of the contenders for the Democratic nomination prepare for a forum at UMass Amherst Sunday evening. Martha Coakley is conspicuously absent. I can’t find a hard news story on her absence and there is no information on her website but I’m assuming that, again, she is bypassing Western Massachusetts. Why should I, a resident of Holyoke, consider voting for a candidate who shows no interest in my part of the state? She is from the Berkshires but when is she planning on visiting there, or Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin counties?
Please share widely!
a resident of Holyoke, consider voting for a candidate who shows no interest in my part of the state?
p>I can’t answer that for you.
p>Consider the record of someone who wants to meet you and organizes many opportunities to do so.
The Coakley campaign made it quite clear -she had a previous commitment that she could not break. Whatever is keeping her from the UMass forum has nothing to do with caring about the people; that is simply a silly statement and pure political spin that has no basis in fact. By your own admission you can’t find any hard news. I like the fact that there are promises that a politician makes that they keep. That’s a positive in my book not a negative.
Do you have any idea how many forums have been proposed? Nearly one a day, all of the news stations including PBS, unions, universities. Other candidates say yes to everything and then either don’t show up or they are cancelled. As front runner Martha is taking the hits, especially here. It’s particularly painful when women bash other women with non-issue distortions.
I’m willing to bet that Martha has spent more time in Pioneer Valley than any of the other candidates. She’s already worked for the people who live there, none of the other candidates can say that.
p>Again, let’s hear the positives about your candidate not the purported negatives about Martha.
deserves a meaningful explanation of why a forum being attended by every other candidate (now the Republicans as well) is being passed over. Without said explanation, I have to consider the possibility that, as front-runner, Coakley is avoiding debates and forums. Some would argue that that is smart strategically.
Your violet rhetoric is threatening and uncalled for.
p>How is mollypat bashing Coakley and what does mollypat’s gender have to do with anything?
Does having a second X chromosome insulate you against criticism from any other women? Next time Michelle Bachmann steps up with a lie before the cameras, should Nancy Pelosi clam up because they share gender?
p>You’ve been holding your own as a commentator with other strong women in this rowdy political arena. No need to pull that stuff.
p>Does anyone know what the previous commitment was?