If you get The History Channel, catch the premier of The People Speak. Well-known actors play real-life folks who made history – based on Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.” Very good so far.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
Looks great-I love Professor Zinn. I can’t believe he’s 87!
they may have edited the segment well. Nonetheless.
I was at 2 tapings of it at the Wilbur Theater last winter!
did he just stand and talk without a podium? I thought that was admirable.
his stance was amazing.
p>everyone was amazing. though people were in plain clothes and not in “character” sometimes they came so alive. Marisa Tomei was a standout and Josh Brolin too. Never would go to see John Legend in concert, but his “What’s going on” was chilling.