O, Prilosec*
– a health care carol sung to the tune of O, Christmas Tree
(*based on an absolutely true story)
O, Prilosec! O, Prilosec!
How NHP delays thee.
O, Prilosec! O, Prilosec!
How NHP delays thee.
I went to Walgreens for the drug,
The pharmacist just gave a shrug.
O, Prilosec! O, Prilosec!
How NHP delays thee.
O, Prilosec! O, Prilosec!
Acidity awaits thee.
O, Prilosec! O, Prilosec!
Acidity awaits thee.
My doctor’s staff now realize,
They needed to pre-authorize.
O, Prilosec! O, Prilosec!
Acidity awaits thee.
O-meprazole! O-meprazole!
Thou substitute so freely.
O-meprazole! O-meprazole!
Thou substitute so freely.
I finally got it O-T-C
But had to do it O-O-P.
O-meprazole! O-meprazole!
Thou substitute so freely.
O Senators! O Congressmen!
Prepare it for Obama’s pen!
O Senators! O Congressmen!
Prepare it for Obama’s pen!
The moral of this episode:
Full coverage needed, young and old.
O Senators! O Congressmen!
Prepare it for Obama’s pen!
November will come ’round again,
There is no doubt about this.
November will come ’round again,
There is no doubt about this.
Progressive pols who claim the name
Had best not treat this as a game.
November will come ’round again,
There is no doubt about this.