Sign our Petition to President Obama.
During his campaign, President Obama gave us his word: “…when I’m President, we’re going to make drug and insurance companies compete for their customers just like every other business in America.”
But today, the insurance companies are claiming “victory.”
If he signs a health care bill with a triggered public option, he’ll be turning his back on the promise he made to his voters. Will Obama let the interests of the private insurance industry seal the fate of millions of desperate Americans? Or will he stand up to the insurance companies and pass a real public option?
Act. Sign the petition.
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neilsagan says
christopher says
My understanding is that the trigger happens if the market/exchange does not automatically lower prices. Sounds like same result either way.
neilsagan says
a public option could be written using any set of terms.
p>If opponents of the public option won the negotiation of the terms of the trigger, the public option would probably never be triggered. If proponents of a public option won the negotiation of the terms for a trigger, then the bar would be low to trigger a public option. In this case where one Senator stands between a filibuster and 60 votes for cloture, he would have the leverage to win the negotiation over the terms of the trigger.
p>What makes the public option effective at driving down costs is when it is a valid option in all health insuramce markets.
p>When the public option was dropped from the Senate bill as a result of the committee of tens negotiations which endevoured to find common ground due to Lieberman’s threat to filibuster any bill wioth a Public Option, the health insurers proclaimed, “we won.”
p>Triggers have been used in recent legislation on others matters. They have been written by opponents of the bill and they alomost never trigger. It is a compromise that works in favor of those who oppose the initiave.
neilsagan says
neilsagan says