Hear hear! The people want to hear hear the candidates debate the issues of the day.
In addition, some folks at the Blue Mass Group want Martha to engage with her fellow Democrats and get into the weeds a little bit on her positions with respect to civil rights and government authority. Martha, are you out there? You can find the thread here.
Please share widely!
patrick says
p>Good enough for the primary, good enough for the general?
foreverdem says
I am all for debates. I hope everyone is. But does it really matter?
p>Not to be a jerk, but I think we can all pretty much agree that this election was over last Tuesday night.
p>Like Neil said, why not use the media time to talk more with Martha? Personally, I’d like to get a little more out of her. I don’t think she opened up enough before the primary.
p>(I understand that the Republicans would create quite a stink, and it probably won’t happen, but that’s just how I feel.)
p>Also, don’t take that as a knock on Martha. It’s our responsibility as educated voters to know as much as we can about the people we choose to represent us in Washington.
neilsagan says
p>It will help her too if she sets reasonable expectations about her future voting. She doesn’t need pushback at home from the base for taking conservative positions on government authority issues that she didn’t discuss during the campaign.
christopher says
As long as there is room for actual answers (rather than soundbites) they can be informative. For the general election they should include every candidate who qualified for the ballot.
neilsagan says
neilsagan says
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… some folks at the Blue Mass Group want Martha to engage with her fellow Democrats and get into the weeds a little bit on her positions with respect to civil rights and government authority.
p>You can find the thread here.