Congratulations to Martha Coakley, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate. The voters choice in a strong Democratic field.
Congrats to Congressman Mike Capuano. The Congressman ran a tremendous campaign, is unequaled on the stump, has a fire and a passion for fighting for people that will always have my respect. (And here’s hoping he will forgive my not being with him in this one, forgive but not forget and I understand that)
Congrats to the Elected officials who endorsed and worked for Martha, with a special shout out to the Mayors-elect who put their political capital on the line less then a month after their own elections. As well to the Coakley campaign staff who never accepted the “frontrunner” tag and worked for this win.
Congrats to Alan Khazei for his ideas, his energy and his proving that grassroots can hold it’s own against the big bucks in a campaign. Here’s hoping that Alan stays in Massachusetts politics as he clearly has much to offer the Commonwealth.
Congrats to those Capuano BMG posters who recognized that they had a solid and qualified candidate and posted about his strengths instead of taking the low road with constant attacks against other candidates. A special shout out to Kate, whose posts served to remind me you can be passionate about your candidate without being a jerk (a trap I sadly fell into on ocassion). Kate gets it done online and on the street. A rare combination.
And to the hearty but small band of Coakley BMG posters for speaking up on our candidate’s strengths. The voters recognized what we saw.
Congrats to the BMG editors on the best endorsement editorial to date (well to date since I have been here). I thought you touched the heart of the Khazei message, spoke with emotion for your candidate and made your case. So did a good percentage of the voters.
Congrats to the volunteers from all the campaigns who braved cold, rain, dogs, last minute schedule changes, and voter indifference to stand up for candidates you believed in.
Over the last 90 days I hope we all, in some small way, made Ted Kennedy proud.
looking forward to being on the same side with you this time around………..
For delivering his home town of Alford for his candidate. Who says town moderators don’t have political clout!!
Striker57, I very much appreciate your kind words. I know that if we’re not together on one campaign, we’ll be together on another. I strive to treat with respect, both candidates and supporters, from all campaigns.
p>It is unfortunately on the rare side, to be active off and on-line. But it is becoming less so. I’ll mention for starters Lynne, Michael Wilcox, Judy Meredith, Josh Dawson, Carl Offner, to name just a few. I’ll add a shout out of my own to young Tyler O’Day. He put in hour after hour helping out on Mike’s campaign and is working on developing his own blogger presence. And there are others who blog under names that are not as obvious as those that I listed.
p>So if you are out there volunteering, think about doing more on-line. Internet communication is a great tool for effective organizers. If you are spending a lot of time on-line, and not much, “on the streets”, think about joining us. It’s a great way to work to bring about change and get ideas implemented.
p>Thanks again for the shout out.
I know he didn’t have many fans on this site, but given the amount of work, stress, and criticism that goes into mounting a campaign, especially at this level, anyone who sticks his neck out and runs for office ought to be given props.