As reported and as predicted.
And what inspirational message will 2011 readers glean from a writer who will, at best, win reelection with 44% of the vote. This really diminishes the value of $1.35 million doesn’t it…and we condemn fat cat Wall Street pay.
Please share widely!
And being paid for robbery, not spinning what a publisher hopes will be at least a break-even yarn.
Regardless of if or how he’s reelected.
Not to mention that the product [Deval’s book] might well sell. If Deval’s writing is as compelling as his live rhetoric, that is.
that the autobiography will include a copy of his local property tax reduction plan, which I have been waiting to read since he promised to enact local property tax relief as a gubernatorial candidate in 2006. Otherwise, I think I’ll hold off purchasing a copy until Deval’s tome comes out in paperback and I can pick it up in the remainders section for $2.00 at my local second-hand bookstore.
Local aid was protected in the budget cutting this year. Cities and towns were also given the authority to levy local options taxes that, if localities so choose, can be used to sustain services in place of property tax overrides.