I read two recent newspaper endorsements for Martha Coakley. One from the Brockton Enterprise and one from the Patriot Ledger.
Coakley’s campaign counts these as TWO separate endorsements. I am not sure of the ownership structure, but these two papers must have the same ownership/editorial board.
We have seen in all the Democratic candidates many of the skills necessary to be an effective senator and in all we have seen passion rooted in their commitment to the public good and their belief that they bring something unique and valuable to the office.
It is Coakley, however, who most embodies the skills, temperament and experience to be effective in this crucial role. For that reason, we endorse her in this primary.
Throughout her public career and this campaign, Coakley has shown she has the intellect and demeanor necessary to negotiate the politics and personalities that can thwart senators or help them thrive.
We have seen, in all the Democratic candidates many of the skills necessary to be an effective senator and in all we have seen passion rooted in their commitment to the public good and their belief that they bring something unique and valuable to the office.
It is Coakley, however, who most embodies the skills, temperament and experience to be effective in this crucial role. For that reason, we endorse her in this primary.
Throughout her public career and this campaign, Coakley has shown she has the intellect and demeanor necessary to negotiate the politics and personalities that can thwart senators or help them thrive.
I only quoted parts, but obviously it is just one endorsement.
because it’s true.”
-Steven Wright
…if it were my campaign I’d probably list them separately too.
“We believe, however, that Martha Coakley, who would become the state’s first woman senator – and the first native of Western Massachusetts to be a U.S. senator since 1931 – has what it takes to represent the commonwealth with distinction in much the same manner that Kennedy did.
p>Her views on the most pressing issues facing the nation – health care, education, financial reform and job creation – mirror the stands of the late senator. We applaud Coakley for the strong position she’s taken on health care reform – and her refusal to compromise women’s rights in order to pass a bill. She understands that creating new jobs in the Bay State should be a top priority..”
It’s a shame that after eight years of Buch/Cheney and 11 months since only our political analysis takes this central value of liberalism for granted.
I used to live in a household that pretty much subscribed to the Enterprise for trash pickup announcements and obituaries. Soon after they were merged with the Ledger, it became clear that the paper was being run out of Quincy: basic mistakes on town geography, officials, regulations, etc.
p>I would rather expcet that the Emptyprise’s endorsement was more or less written out of Quincy, considering the rest of the paper is.