is a disease, much like any other. And anyone who’s done a spin-dry through rehab will tell you that mouthwash will most certainly give you a positive.
p>Somehow, billxi, you expect people to have only compassion for your disability and none for anyone else.
When you see the world as black and white, it is nearly impossible to have empathy for someone who isn’t on your side. As we have seen in the past, Republicans are great at playing the victim card, but attack others who dare to do the same. This is why they can so easily deride Clinton for extra-marrital dalliances, while ignoring the far more numerous scandals involving Republicans like Gingrich, Vitter, Ensign, etc. It’s not merely hypocrisy, but part of their psychological makeup.
“lying through your teeth.”
is a disease, much like any other. And anyone who’s done a spin-dry through rehab will tell you that mouthwash will most certainly give you a positive.
p>Somehow, billxi, you expect people to have only compassion for your disability and none for anyone else.
When you see the world as black and white, it is nearly impossible to have empathy for someone who isn’t on your side. As we have seen in the past, Republicans are great at playing the victim card, but attack others who dare to do the same. This is why they can so easily deride Clinton for extra-marrital dalliances, while ignoring the far more numerous scandals involving Republicans like Gingrich, Vitter, Ensign, etc. It’s not merely hypocrisy, but part of their psychological makeup.