Okay. Let me get this straight. A man has an obvious drinking problem. He has a hit and run and prior OUI arrests. Some convictions, some pardons, – a hodgepodge – but clearly the guy has a problem.
So what does the court do? Orders him to home confinement. That’s right, sit around the house all day with nothing to do and nobody around. Those beers in the fridge and bottles in the liquor cabinet weren’t ordered by the court to stay away.
Why wasn’t there an in-patient rehab program as part of the sentence? The home confinement without addressing alcohol problem is a probation violation waiting to happen.
Was it ever discussed?
Of course it is tough to do rehab when the person is in denial.
Galloch, here’s some free advice. Come clean. Get it off your chest. Alcohol has caused nothing but problems for you and your family. With the help of family, friends, and God you will take it one day at a time.
You’ll be amazed how much good will you’ll get, you colleagues will lay-off and you’ll probably get re-elected.
Too bad Kevin Fitz wasn’t around. Who’s taken his place as the guy to call when you are at your lowest?
Start today Galooch. The long road to putting it behind you starts now. And it’s Christmas. It’s a good time to make some phone calls and start the apoligies and contritions.
BTW some of the best pols ever are reformed drinkers. Just keep them busy and they’ll go through walls for you.
Merrey Christmas Ernie
Looking forward to more gems in 2010.
Some of us [me included] just cannot safely imbibe alcohol – and there IS help available, from rehab [which it does sound like Galluccio needs] to AA.
p>Ending Galluccio’s denial, though, has to be step one. I know people can rehab, come clean, reinvent themselves, and stay clean. If I can do it, Galluccio can do it.
p>It is not “Once an addict, always an addict.”
p>People really can heal, become clean, and be reinvented and productive. I have seen it over and over in court involved clients. Whether you call it “rehabilitation” or “repentance” – it works.
p>But the first step has to be admitting you [the drinker or drug addict] have a problem not blaming the tooothpaste, the ex-spouse, the economy, whatever.