Thanks to Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson, the American people have been screwed by health insurance giants – Aetna, Cigna, United Health, and Wellpoint.
There is no “public option,” just for-profit insurance. There is no competition to hold down prices or keep corrupt insurers honest. Worst of all, Americans are required to buy private insurance under penalty of law.
Here’s our plan:
1. Now: Tell the House-Senate Conference Committee to remove the outrageous “individual mandate” and replace it with Medicare Opt-in for Americans over 55. Also remove all restrictions on private abortion coverage.
2. If the “Gang of Four” – Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, and Mary Landrieu – object to the Conference Report, make them lead a real filibuster and talk until they drop.
3. Next November: Elect 5 “Medicare for All” Democrats to the Senate who will expand Medicare Opt-in from 55 to all Americans willing to pay for it over the next 10 years.
We invite all progressive activists to join us in this effort by visiting
Health Care Bloat Bill (a failure founded in corporatism)
Please share widely!
…or is the fact usually cited by reform opponents that this industry comprises 1/6 of the economy actually an EXCELLENT reason for it to be subject to tough regulations and strict scrutiny?