Ha ha ha. I’m splitting my gut here laughing. That was soo freakin’ funny yesterday when I posted this around 11:00 A.M. declaring Cap the winner.
Ha Ha. I even encouraged his workers to give the extra effort because victory was in reach.
‘Hello Mr. Johnson, is your refrigerator running?”
Ha ha hah hah. I’m dying here, I’m dying.
You guys fell for it. Oh, my God. Get me my heart pills. I can’t stop laughing. I really pulled one over on you.
Advice to Martha:
Be more Medford than Middlesex D.A.
Without the oxys and low level mobsters of course.
But with Bob’s Food Store, Frankie Fontaine, Paul Donato, Seafood Depot, Those two old lady twins walking around dressed alike, The historical African American neighborhood, The Middlesex Fells, Mystic Lakes, The Budweiser Distributor, KISS 108, Papa Ginos in Medford Square, Tellos in the Meadow Glen Mall, Grava Chrysler, Johnnies Food Master, The McGlynns, Formerly of the North End/West End/ and sometimes East Boston and Charlestown, settle with the bookie on Tuesday-get the lines on Thursday, ‘Mayor McGlynn is a cousin of mine’, kids bought homes in Wilmington and Tewksbury, you know, that Medford.
Be more like that Martha than the ‘I work for God Middlesex Assistant D.A. attitude’ going on since Harshbarger days. My hunch is you will be more Medford. This, as the other Martha would say, “Is a good thing”.)
Written in Medford. Timely for this winter campaign.
Down Salem Street I believe. But it could have been down Riverside Ave. where they were laughing all the way.
I don’t tend to believe much of anything you say at this point, EBIII. You’re still entertaining, though.
You’re not my type.
Blow me, sabutai.
p>And you should have said “please”.
That’s the chief difference between him and Howie Carr. Howie can be very funny. Ernie, very rarely.
See: http://www.asylum.com/2009/12/… My news story of the day.