He mailed these to people who signed the Marriage Petition. Regardless of your feelings on that issue, you must agree that that isn’t a good list of folks to mail this too.
p>Literally, I think he did a negative mailing against himself.
Not only is Brown a spineless coward for bailing out on the debate between him and Robinson that would have been televised from the JFK Museum, but we all know how he hates gays. Maybe Scott Brown’s problem is that the reason why he is so hateful is because he’s hiding his own secret locked inside his own closet.
Number one, it’s an entirely unsubstantiated (implied) accusation
Number two, it’s only biting if the status of being gay is somehow itself a derogatory statement
p>On a side note, I’d love to have a Republican senator who was 100% pro equality. It’d provide bipartisan cover for lots of issues both in the vote itself and in helping bring equality above the D-R divide politically.
p>If I thought he would actually stand up to the GOP and maintain his positions, I think he might do more good than a long list of Democratic senators.
p>In fact, I think he’d be better off running as a Democrat. He’s no super lib, but he’s got the right idea on a number of things Democrats support, and he’s got that fiscal conservatism that might attract oodles of “U” voters.
What positions do you see as Democrat-like?
p>Here’s the social side of his issues page. 1,3, and 5 are deal killers for me.
1. Health Care
I believe that all Americans deserve health care coverage, but that we shouldn’t have to create a new government insurance program to provide it. I support strengthening the existing private market system. In Massachusetts, I support the 2006 healthcare law that expanded coverage, but I believe the Deval Patrick administration must do more to contain the costs of the Commonwealth Care subsidy program.
2. Gun issues
I support the Second Amendment and believe that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms as a basic constitutional liberty. I support safe and responsible gun ownership.
3. Death penalty
I believe there are some crimes that are so heinous that they deserve capital punishment. Our Government should have the ability to impose the death penalty in cases where it is justified.
4. Abortion
While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion.
5. Marriage
I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. States should be free to make their own laws in this area, so long as they reflect the people’s will as expressed through them directly, or as expressed through their elected representatives.
p>Numbers added by me to facilitate discussion.
stomv might have been referring to Jack E Robinson. Maybe I’m wrong.
Number one, it’s an entirely unsubstantiated (implied) accusation
Number two, it’s only biting if the status of being gay is somehow itself a derogatory statement
p>Democratis’ post doesn’t seem derogatory towards gay people. It is derogatory towards closeted politicians with anti-gay voting records – and I wouldn’t put it past the former nude Cosmopolitian centerfold to be precisely that.
p>It was suggested in the film “OutRage” that it is mainly closeted politicians who promote and provide impetus to anti-gay legislation. Unsubstantiated as the suggestion that this might apply to Brown may be, it is hardly what I would call a stretch.
p>I should note I, myself, am now 20 years out of the closet.
Sad thing is that EaboClipper, DD4RP, and Cool Cal hate gay too. This is why they are against Tisei.
A bigot calling another person a bigot is a TRUE BIGOT! You cannot accept the healthy exchange of ideas. I have met Eabo and found him to be a very reasonable person. We don’t agree on a lot of issues, but this is America. We get to express our differences. You ever notice Tisei’s record on taxes? That is the primary bone of contention among Republicans.
You want gay people removed from the public arena. That’s not a “healthy exchange of ideas” — it’s homophobia.
You’re gay (0.00 / 0)
And ?I’m not. I don’t care about your lifestyle preference. Really. Just keep it in your bedroom. I just refuse to allow your 5-6% of the population to set morality standards for the other 95-94% of us. I know… let’s have a referendum!
by: billxi @ Thu Dec 03, 2009 at 21:11:00 PM EST
[ Parent | | Reply | ]
I just don’t your 5-6% deciding my morality.
Or “keep it in your bedroom” for that matter?
but you.
p>IOW, if you don’t approve of what someone else does, don’t do what they do. Pretty simple stuff, really.
Whether you said “removed” or not.
p>No one is attempting to set your “morality standards”. Many of us are, instead, attempting to stop you from imposing your bigotry and homophobia on its innocent victims.
p>Jews are also only “5-6% of the population”. Please explain how the “logic” you attempt to apply to the gay and lesbian community doesn’t also apply to the Jewish community. Shall we also tell Jews to “keep it in your bedroom”? Shall we also deny Jews the tax and legal benefits of civil marriage?
p>What is the threshold at which a population acquires the right to set its own “moral standards” in your perverted world? Has the black community reached that threshold, or would you also reinstate our miscegenation laws?
p>Fortunately we live in a society that celebrates a diversity of views — including those that are bigoted and homophobic. While you have every right to express your view, we also have every right to name it what it is.
I honestly think that because of this, his opposition to the Iraq War, and his openness to health care reform that the BMG editors should endorse Jack E. Robinson for the Republican Senate primary. While such an endorsement will probably hurt more than help a Republican, considering who he sent these mailings too (anti-gay marriage petition signers) he really already gave his own kiss of death. Also he has the exact same positions on the issues as Khazei and a similar lack of government experience and a vague commitment to transparent government as well as ‘hope!’ and ‘change!’ so I really so no reason why he doesn’t get the nod as well.
Congrats. Maybe you should give yourself a time-out from BMG until you get that Texas-size chip off your shoulder.
How is that not constructive? i honestly think you guys should endorse Robinson for HIS primary to have solidarity with pro-equality Republicans. I don’t see why you can’t endorse two candidates in each primary like the Herald and the Globe. My snarky Khazei sarcasm is not constructive, but its not more inoffensive than anything else disappointed Cappies have been saying on this site. I really don’t think the 3s are justified.
p>And I resent the implication that I need a time out.
Well, obviously Robinson is far preferable to Brown in the GOP primary, and if I were voting in that primary, I’d vote for Robinson. But there’s not much point in BMG endorsing in the GOP primary, and I think the practice of endorsing in two primaries is a bit silly.
p>Sorry I misunderstood your comment.
And I tremendously respect the fact that you apologized. I think Bob argued that BMG would endorse a Republican they agreed with, you are progressives first and Democrats second presumably. Obviously that is his opinion and again I don’t see a primary endorsement doing that good, but honestly there is a part of me that wishes Robinson would run for an office he has a better shot at (Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary of State spring to mind). Frankly I think you and I would both take Robinson over Galvin any day.
Robinson should probably just change his registration, he’d have a better shot unseating Lynchie or taking out Galvin within a primary since most Republicans don’t like him.
on equality. You can see the other two at RMG
Does Jack E. have a point?
He mailed these to people who signed the Marriage Petition. Regardless of your feelings on that issue, you must agree that that isn’t a good list of folks to mail this too.
p>Literally, I think he did a negative mailing against himself.
Not only is Brown a spineless coward for bailing out on the debate between him and Robinson that would have been televised from the JFK Museum, but we all know how he hates gays. Maybe Scott Brown’s problem is that the reason why he is so hateful is because he’s hiding his own secret locked inside his own closet.
Number one, it’s an entirely unsubstantiated (implied) accusation
Number two, it’s only biting if the status of being gay is somehow itself a derogatory statement
p>On a side note, I’d love to have a Republican senator who was 100% pro equality. It’d provide bipartisan cover for lots of issues both in the vote itself and in helping bring equality above the D-R divide politically.
p>If I thought he would actually stand up to the GOP and maintain his positions, I think he might do more good than a long list of Democratic senators.
p>In fact, I think he’d be better off running as a Democrat. He’s no super lib, but he’s got the right idea on a number of things Democrats support, and he’s got that fiscal conservatism that might attract oodles of “U” voters.
What positions do you see as Democrat-like?
p>Here’s the social side of his issues page. 1,3, and 5 are deal killers for me.
p>Numbers added by me to facilitate discussion.
stomv might have been referring to Jack E Robinson. Maybe I’m wrong.
p>Democratis’ post doesn’t seem derogatory towards gay people. It is derogatory towards closeted politicians with anti-gay voting records – and I wouldn’t put it past the former nude Cosmopolitian centerfold to be precisely that.
p>It was suggested in the film “OutRage” that it is mainly closeted politicians who promote and provide impetus to anti-gay legislation. Unsubstantiated as the suggestion that this might apply to Brown may be, it is hardly what I would call a stretch.
p>I should note I, myself, am now 20 years out of the closet.
There’s a fairly amusing mock interview with all four of them (EaBo Clipper, Garrett, DD4RP, and Cool Cal) over at RMG.
Sad thing is that EaboClipper, DD4RP, and Cool Cal hate gay too. This is why they are against Tisei.
A bigot calling another person a bigot is a TRUE BIGOT! You cannot accept the healthy exchange of ideas. I have met Eabo and found him to be a very reasonable person. We don’t agree on a lot of issues, but this is America. We get to express our differences. You ever notice Tisei’s record on taxes? That is the primary bone of contention among Republicans.
You want gay people removed from the public arena. That’s not a “healthy exchange of ideas” — it’s homophobia.
p>Here’s the most recent example:
I just don’t your 5-6% deciding my morality.
Or “keep it in your bedroom” for that matter?
but you.
p>IOW, if you don’t approve of what someone else does, don’t do what they do. Pretty simple stuff, really.
Whether you said “removed” or not.
p>No one is attempting to set your “morality standards”. Many of us are, instead, attempting to stop you from imposing your bigotry and homophobia on its innocent victims.
p>Jews are also only “5-6% of the population”. Please explain how the “logic” you attempt to apply to the gay and lesbian community doesn’t also apply to the Jewish community. Shall we also tell Jews to “keep it in your bedroom”? Shall we also deny Jews the tax and legal benefits of civil marriage?
p>What is the threshold at which a population acquires the right to set its own “moral standards” in your perverted world? Has the black community reached that threshold, or would you also reinstate our miscegenation laws?
p>Fortunately we live in a society that celebrates a diversity of views — including those that are bigoted and homophobic. While you have every right to express your view, we also have every right to name it what it is.
I honestly think that because of this, his opposition to the Iraq War, and his openness to health care reform that the BMG editors should endorse Jack E. Robinson for the Republican Senate primary. While such an endorsement will probably hurt more than help a Republican, considering who he sent these mailings too (anti-gay marriage petition signers) he really already gave his own kiss of death. Also he has the exact same positions on the issues as Khazei and a similar lack of government experience and a vague commitment to transparent government as well as ‘hope!’ and ‘change!’ so I really so no reason why he doesn’t get the nod as well.
Congrats. Maybe you should give yourself a time-out from BMG until you get that Texas-size chip off your shoulder.
How is that not constructive? i honestly think you guys should endorse Robinson for HIS primary to have solidarity with pro-equality Republicans. I don’t see why you can’t endorse two candidates in each primary like the Herald and the Globe. My snarky Khazei sarcasm is not constructive, but its not more inoffensive than anything else disappointed Cappies have been saying on this site. I really don’t think the 3s are justified.
p>And I resent the implication that I need a time out.
Well, obviously Robinson is far preferable to Brown in the GOP primary, and if I were voting in that primary, I’d vote for Robinson. But there’s not much point in BMG endorsing in the GOP primary, and I think the practice of endorsing in two primaries is a bit silly.
p>Sorry I misunderstood your comment.
And I tremendously respect the fact that you apologized. I think Bob argued that BMG would endorse a Republican they agreed with, you are progressives first and Democrats second presumably. Obviously that is his opinion and again I don’t see a primary endorsement doing that good, but honestly there is a part of me that wishes Robinson would run for an office he has a better shot at (Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary of State spring to mind). Frankly I think you and I would both take Robinson over Galvin any day.
Robinson should probably just change his registration, he’d have a better shot unseating Lynchie or taking out Galvin within a primary since most Republicans don’t like him.