Just Do What Teddy Would Do!
That’s what we we keep hearing. Candidates are fighting over who will be most like Ted.
So what does Sen. Paul Kirk do on Cape Wind? Exactly what Teddy would have done.
What does Boston Globe do? Declares that doing what Ted did will be a huge black mark on Sen. Kirk’s legacy.
Point being: Ted Kennedy is just a prop. A rhetorical device used when convenient by those wishing to push their own agenda. Like the Boiston Globe.
The tone of the Globe’s editorial today clearly shows the double standard.
If Cape Winds will leave a “bad legacy” for Kirk then when did it do for Ted Kennedy?
Perhaps the Boston Globe could let the senate candidates know what the exceptions are when we keep telling them to be like Teddy. It’s only fair considering their “how dare you” tone in attacking the Senator.
where JFK recording is approvingly replayed – “Tax cuts create jobs etc etc” – and sb says “i agree with JFK”
given a certain situation. Trying to dig ourselves out of a Republican created near depression not so much. Bush tried tax cuts three times which only made the situation worse, no spending, no jobs, and further added to the deficit. That’s the reason they were fired by the American people. Brown to say that something that has been proven wrong over and over again for the situation we are in now is the answer is downright stupid. You can’t take a different economy 50 years ago and think that solution will work when it’s been proven wrong.
There was lots of spending. Iraq and Afghanistan didn’t really do that much for job-creation, though.
p>Also, after you make and use those smart bombs, what do you have to show for the effort? Dead foreigners and holes in the ground. Better if you used the money to actually build something worthwhile.
But I thought the Globe did ding Kennedy on Cape Wind? Not that they went to the mat over it, but I seem to recall a couple of “We disagree with him on this” lines.
p>Ernie, where were you yesterday? I was waiting for you to accuse Mike Bloomberg of engineering the BMG endorsement.