Alan and Pags and Martha squawk that they are different. “Wait until Washington gets a load of me,” they whine. I got a load of Martha with her handling of the Fells Acre Day Care matter. I got a load of Alan when he claimed 15,000 volunteer positions with small non-living wage stipends were jobs. I got a load of Pags when he and his partners at Bain made hundreds of millions of dollars by using leveraged buy outs to create bankruptcies, stiff thousands of small vendors, and lay-off thousands more workers. When the mob does this it’s called a “bust out” and it’s illegal. Did anyone see Goodfellas?
However, the fact is when everyone is playing baseball and you show up wanting to play basketball, what will happen? Right, you’ll be shooting baskets by yourself and the baseball game will go on without you.
By all accounts our guy (Capuano) in the baseball game does a pretty good job. He should be promoted.
player. He will have more impact in the Senate than any of the other candidates could.
They said I didn’t have the requisite experience, any similar experience with private equity, distressed business leveraged buyouts or how to leverage a business and extract equity. So no, they won’t give me the job. And here I thought my success over the last 20 years was applicable and that they’d be happy to have me.
So I submitted a job application. They said I was not even a law school grad and not a member of the bar, so how could I possibly think I was qualified. I have been very successful over the last 20 years in my profession and I thought they’d be thrilled to have me as an employee but no, it seems relevant experience does have a role in hiring people, especially at the top position.
don’t quote me, but i’ve heard rumors that BMG may charge you a penny per comment and 2 cents a post.
p>the idea is that they $15,000 per year will go to the BMG PAC. you should fight this one.
You should worry so much about watching the pennies. You can count on your friends.
Not that everyone will care, but Ed O’Reilly has come out for Capuano as well. I think it’s notable that a guy who ran hard against the idea of unanswerable incumbency is supporting a longtime legislator:
Maybe O’Reilly thinks Capuano has handled his incumbency better. Of course in some ways he’s forced to by being up every two years rather than every six.
I was, and remain, a big fan of O’Reilly. I was very impressed that when everyone talks a good game about the problems with incumbency, O’Reilly did something about it, putting his money, time, and name on the line. In my world, that gives him real credibility. So when he backs Capuano instead of someone else running on not being in the system, I take notice.
I think Ed is OK with encumbency as long the time spent legislating is spent well. Ed O’reilly is a Main St America kind of guy. I think he appreciates that in a candidate too. Not to mention that Mike Capuano is a straight talker, very much the way Ed is. Same position with regard to the Iraq War. Also appreciative of the struggle of the middle class. It makes sense for him to support Capuano.
I agree Mike Capuano should be promoted. It is the best possible thing we can do for our state and our country.
We can do it tomorrow.
You painted a picture of the man I know and respect.
p>The best line is this………..
very appropriate
I have to agree with EB3. Who would have ever thought I’d see the day.
p>Just so, Ernie.
Hi All:
p> As soon as I get out of work, go vote and make sure my wife does as well, I will be going to volunteer for the campaign. I hope that all of his supporters on BMG are planning on helping tomorrow also.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
p>P.S. I was right, the Ward 19 Democratic Committee in Boston came through with a ringing endorsement for Michael Capuano for U.S. Senate. đŸ™‚
Moreover, EBIII is right-on, again, with his baseline political analysis; Mike Capuano represents the superior choice in today’s Democratic US Senate primary. Nevertheless, I part company with EBIII’s dismissive view of Alan Khazei. Khazei’s impressive professional experience and inspiring grass-roots political campaign signify that he may have a successful future in statewide Massachusetts politics or an appointed federal or state bureaucratic executive office if chooses to remain the political game.