Why? Because he has been the most open, honest, and up front candidate in this race. Everyone agrees that Mike is who he is as opponent clearly stated in the last debate.
He has been very responsive to questions on twitter, and has been more engaged with the blogs than any other candidate on BMG. He went as far as to post a video just for us BMGers.
I have always thought that the way you run your campaign is indicative of how you will run your Senate office. Mike has been head and shoulders above the rest in terms of putting himself out there.
His events are plugged with the tag line “ask me anything”. He has been to tons of cities across the state. And I think he has attended more forums than any of the other candidates.
I like that I know where he stands. And I like that its easy to figure out where he is on issues. What you see is what you get, and what you will get is a great Senator.
From Mike’s latest email: