I’m promoting this story. The protest is scheduled for January23rd and will involve at least 3 Beaverton, OR schools plus possibly others from Portland. If you’re so inclined, please recommend the version of the diary posted at DailyKos. I’m very impressed by these students stepping up and making sure those who are in too much danger to speak for themselves have a voice.
I was at a party where I knew very few people. I started chatting with one of the guests. He mentioned that he was looking to leave his job of 20+ years. I asked what kind of work he was looking for. He mentioned a couple of things and then said what he reaaly wants to do is get a job in a congressional office. Now I’m interested. Maybe we will have some interests in common. I ask of course, whicj congressional office he hoped to work in. His response, “It depends on the results in the upcoming election.”
p>Now, I’m intersted. “Oh, so are you involved in Martha’s campaign?”
Last year, I did convince a member of the Republican Town Committee to become a Democrat. As soon as we have enough openings, he wants to become a member of our DTC. I had some help from John Walsh with that one.
I don’t wish death or pain on anyone. Despite Limbaugh’s racist and hurtful comments, I wish him a speed recovery from the disease that has been affecting him his whole life; the disease of racism. Perhaps if Limbaugh were to remove all that hate from his heart, he wouldn’t be suffering from these chest pains. Maybe one way to cure both Limbaugh’s chest pains and racism would be to give him the heart of an African American, like in the movie “Heart Condition” where Bob Hoskins, a racist cop, receives the heart of a Black man, Denzel Washington, and begins seeing his ghost, who helps cure him of his racism. read more
I’m promoting this story. The protest is scheduled for January23rd and will involve at least 3 Beaverton, OR schools plus possibly others from Portland. If you’re so inclined, please recommend the version of the diary posted at DailyKos. I’m very impressed by these students stepping up and making sure those who are in too much danger to speak for themselves have a voice.
p>Happy New Year everyone!
Had a harder than expected day at work. Dug the ice off the car and canceled plans for the evening. What a relief.
Glad you are safe and warm, and have a quiet evening to reflect.
“If there’s one thing I like better than honey and ketchup, it’s baloney and whipped cream, but we haven’t got any.”
p>Dual Three Stooges Marathons on Ch. 38 and AMC plus Twilight Zone Marathon on SyFy!
I highly recommend nabbing tix for the repeat performance on New Year’s Day at 3pm at Sanders.
Glad you were there. đŸ™‚
David, that was glorious!
I was at a party where I knew very few people. I started chatting with one of the guests. He mentioned that he was looking to leave his job of 20+ years. I asked what kind of work he was looking for. He mentioned a couple of things and then said what he reaaly wants to do is get a job in a congressional office. Now I’m interested. Maybe we will have some interests in common. I ask of course, whicj congressional office he hoped to work in. His response, “It depends on the results in the upcoming election.”
p>Now, I’m intersted. “Oh, so are you involved in Martha’s campaign?”
p>The response, Scott Brown’s campaign!
Last year, I did convince a member of the Republican Town Committee to become a Democrat. As soon as we have enough openings, he wants to become a member of our DTC. I had some help from John Walsh with that one.