The Massachusetts Republicans are are war… with themselves as they debate whether Republican Senate Minority Leader is conservative enough as the Lt. Governor Candidate of Charlie Baker who seeks the party nomination next September 2010 vs. Deval Patrick for the title of Governor of Massachusetts that following November. Massachusetts Republicans like Eabo Clipper and Cool Cal think that because Tisei is not conservative enouggh because Tisei is gay. To read more about Eabo Clipper's bigotry which will eventually cause the MassGOP's demise click on the following link:
Please share widely!
But not such a big one looking on the site.
p>The smart ones seem to point out that getting all worried about Lt. Governor (not a significant post) and ignoring the other constitutional offices (AG, Treasurer, etc.) might be unwise.
p>And yes, they don’t like his votes. I think most of the ones objecting to Tisei are pretty clear that it’s not about sexual orientation — at least if one takes them at their word. (Better GOPwatchers than I may adjust this.)
p>If the GOP gets all worked up about this, they have a serious problem with political maturity.
Republican Ram Rod Radio is coming across as the voice of reason (!!!!), but the general consensus is Tisei is a RINO. Even Patrick is adamant in not wanting him anywhere near the Governor’s office.
p>I think comments like this one are why the GOP will never be a viable party in this state:
p>Selecting Tisei was the first thing that made me think Baker might be a viable candidate. It means he’s serious about getting elected in THIS state.
Is just not comfortable around gays. Tisei is more liberal than most dems. Christy Mihos is our next governor. Deal with it.
Last I checked, Deval went the extra mile during the gay marriage vote.
p>You, on the other hand, are openly homophobic.
Deval is not comfortable around gays, eh? Didn’t, uh, his daughter just come out?
Deval’s record on gay right was exemplary even before his daughter came out. His support of her since has been equally impressive.
p>BillXI is not reality based.
I do not believe it’s entirely because he’s gay.
p>The website points to his pro-choice and anti-tax cut record. Oddly, it also seems to point to his support of same-sex marriage. That one pretty much seems like one you’re going to have to roll with if gay’s are going to be apart of the Republican party.
It absolutely is because Tisei’s gay… The MassGOP is filled with bigots like EaboClipper and Cool Cal who are 100% against Tisei b/c of his sexual preference not b/c he could help the party grow.
Maybe you’re referring to comments I haven’t seen, but nothing on the post you linked makes Eabo Clipper or Cool Cal out to be a bigot.
p>Let’s be clear, I’m not defending that they aren’t (because I honestly don’t know), I’m just referring to your link you posted.
…don’t recall any comments either has made here suggesting homophobia. They’ve always struck me as coming from the libertarian rather than cultural side of conservatism, with EaBo sometimes just being partisan for it’s own sake.
Which makes Tisei a RINO in the RMG editors’ eyes. Which is not to say that the RMG editors are pro-gay, just that in this case they oppose Tisei because he doesn’t toe the social conservative line.
p>It bears mentioning that, to the RMGers, EVERYONE except Sarah Palin and St. Ronald Reagan is a RINO. It’s one of the most entertaining things about the site.
I did enjoy one RMGer’s rational for their “pathetic state party numbers”:
p>Compromising their true conservative credentials.
p>THAT’S why they don’t have a broader base in the state.
That Republicans find Tisei unreliable regarding taxes is probably the key thing for them. Our Massachusetts Republicans can be forgiving of social liberalism (see Weld and Romney Version 1.0), but offend the sacred Laffler Curve and you’re out!
Instead of asking Republicans (who will probably all vote for Charlie anyway) the real question is what do independents think of it. I think the majority of them won’t care about Tisei’s sexuality and instead will care about fiscal responsibility… at least they should.
Did you follow the link?
And ?I’m not. I don’t care about your lifestyle preference. Really. Just keep it in your bedroom. I just refuse to allow your 5-6% of the population to set morality standards for the other 95-94% of us. I know… let’s have a referendum!
Why is gay people being married such a threat to you?
Do try not to be useless.
But I have to say, I can’t recall any homophobic comments by EaBo on this site. I don’t know who Cool Cal is.
…is not nearly as active as EaBo. His moniker I assume is a tribute to Calvin Coolidge, with whom he seems to share a political philosophy.
Cool Cal may not be active HERE, but he’s very active.
p>And yes, both of them have made stupid comments about gays, repeatedly. So have the other two RMG editors.
I was refering to their activity and comments here.
Why I just taunted him earlier today by posting on a very old thread.
As RMG’s self-appointed troll, I’m pretty familiar with Eabo’s writings and I can’t say I recall homophobia on Eabo’s part (although he is very much part of the Obama is like Hitler crap). In fact eabo has been leaning favorably towards the Tisei pick…that’s probably because he’s drinking the Charlie Baker lemonade.
p>There are a lot of layers of the anti-Tisei conservatives and certainly there are plenty of bigoted “family value” types that are part of it. Some of it is general resentment from the outsiders not part of the insiders club (PP comes to mind–state committee member or not) and some of it is a web of personal feuds that go back–they are elephants after all.
EaBo has been railing against gay marriage for years. Also repeatedly talked about energizing the people that signed the anti-gay marriage petition for Republican GOTV campaigns. He’s not as bad on gay issues as DD4RP or BNCordeiro, but that’s damning by faint praise.
p>I agree on the weirdness of the RMG dynamic. Every single one of them thinks the rest are RINOs.
I think Eabo “stays within the line” on the marriage issue, talking about judicial activism and wanting a vote on it. I (along with many “process liberals) felt that the leg had to vote on the amendment (as the SJC advised they had to) and maybe to some that puts me in the “homophobe” group.
p>But I would agree with you about DD4RP and others at RMG. While most (DD4RP and Brock) do a poor job at being subtle–DD4RP posted an article about Stand Rosenberg coming out and when people gave him sh*t about it, he said that he thought it was an “interesting” subject–many like V3PN, Jack, Ken Pittman and others regularly call me gay or tells me to go back to BMG and have gay sex and are just haters. Period.
p>On the other hand, there is another, libertarian, strain that is cool about gay marriage and the internal squabbles are fun to read.
He’s definitely reasonable compared to the folks you mention.
p>As I said above, the RMG complaint about Tisei appears to be mainly that he’s he’s pro-gay marriage and soft on choice.
p>A question for you. I haven’t read RMG regularly since it became “owned and operated by Robert Eno.” Were there complaints about Tisei before Baker picked him?
…but much of the RINO charges in the past were aimed at Brad Jones (which Eabo helped push along).
p>Some of the more clever anti-gay / Tisei rhetoric focuses on his 9 year old vote against the income tax role back. Folks like DD4RP are using this as their fig leaf to attack Tesei.
But yes, I’ve met EaBo. It’s been pointed out to me that me reading of his posts as anti-gay may be colored by personal experience of him. He’s less well mannered when he thinks his audience is like-minded.