Would you support a Congressional investigation of possible unlawful activities by government officials in the post 9/11 era to determine who should be held accountable?
Would you have sponsored the JUSTICE Act that would have fixed problems with the USA PATRIOT Act and FISA Amendments Act that threaten the rights and liberties of all Americans?
Will you support establishing independent oversight and enhanced privacy standards for fusion centers, including the Massachusetts Commonwealth Fusion Center?
Will you support reversing the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal Medicaid funding for abortion?
Check out our special election page for a full listing of the candidates answers, additional statements on the issues, and other information.
Since all four candidates answered yes to all survey questions, it would seem (assuming that the Democratic Party nominee is elected) that our next U.S. Senator will be a civil libertarian (by this measure).
should take a look at Coakley’s actual record on the issues of civil and Constitutional rights. That’d add some value to the discussions. Capuano too, he has a long coting record worth investigating.
p>Asking questions is have the job. Digging a bit and asking the candidates to explain former positions and reconcile them to current ones is worth twice as much. imo
p>That said, I’m a big fan of the ACLU’s work and would like to see them have a better stream of funds to accomplish more.