We are the women leaders who have been elected to represent the residents of Somerville from various parts of the City and at various levels of government. We don’t agree on everything, but we are unanimous in supporting Congressman Mike Capuano as our new United States Senator.
We all know Mike in different ways and support him for different reasons. But we all agree that Mike will make the best Senator for Massachusetts and a worthy successor to Senator Kennedy.
In particular, we support him for:
His unwavering support for the issues that impact women, working families and the unemployed as reflected in his 100% voting record (as measured by progressive labor groups) in Congress;
The courageous positions he took opposing the Patriot Act and Iraq War long before many others did and his continued involvement in key foreign policy issues such as the Afghanistan war;
His hard work and vigorous and successful advocacy for his constituents, from mass transit projects to economic and environmental justice issues;
His steadfast support for public education (endorsed by the state’s major teacher organizations);
And, finally, we support Mike because he is accessible to every resident and will give careful thought to every issue. And, he will look you in the eye and be honest when he disagrees with you.
In summary, Mike has been a worthy successor to one Kennedy, and has a proven track record indicating he would be a worthy successor to another Kennedy. We need someone willing to fight for our values in Washington. Mike has proven he will do that.
We urge you to join us in supporting Mike Capuano for U.S. Senate.
Patricia Jehlen, State Senator
Denise Provost, State Representative
Rebekah Gewirtz, Somerville Board of Aldermen (Ward 6)
Maryann Heuston, Somerville Board of Aldermen (Ward 2)
Maureen Bastardi, Chair, Somerville School Committee (Ward 1)
Teresa Cardoso, Somerville School Committee (Ward 2)
Mary Jo Rossetti, Somerville School Committee (Ward 7)
Christine Rafal, Somerville School Committee-elect (Ward 4)
But just one question that might help clear something up. Who are you, P Bockelman, since your name is not on the list of signators.
I am an elected member of the Somerville School Committee and also support Mike Capuano. This letter signed by my colleagues was published in our local newspaper.
For taking the time to share this endorsment with BMG readers.
PBockelman, welcome to BMG. I’m assuming that you are Paul Bockelman. I’m not from Somerville, so I googled the last name.
p>A couple of what I hope will be helpful suggestions:
1) It would have been clearer if you had written something like, “This is Paul Bockelman. I am an elected member of the Somerville School Committee and I support Mike Capuano. This letter signed by my colleagues was published in our local newspaper. I thought that it might be of interest to BMG readers.”
p>2) Although comments can’t be edited, you can edit your post. You might want to do this now.
p>BMG is always interesting. I’m sure that other readers were as confused as I! BMG readers are frequently giving unasked for, but I hope not unwelcome, advice.
Yea! Patricia Jehlen, Denise Provost, Rebekah Gewirtz, Maryann Heuston, Maureen Bastardi, Teresa Cardoso, Mary Jo Rossetti, Christine Rafal