Republican Senator Charles “Mac” Mathias died Monday. He was a bastion of courage, leadership, and integrity a tumultuous time. He was also a Republican. May he rest in peace.
I voted for Mac Mathias the first time I voted. A courageous critic of Nixon from within his party, and a supporter of civil rights.
Believe it or not, there was a time when Republicans did not demonize Democrats as free-taxing, bloated-spending, unpatriotic, blame-America-first liberals. It was OK to be liberal or conservative in this country. The two sides may have had wide disagreements but they were… civil about it.
p>The two are quite far apart from each other politically but they are respectful and engage with the points the other makes. These days, similar figures would just be yelling at the top of their lungs, completely ignoring or dismissing whatever the other is trying to say.
to tell these fucking assholes. More civility please.
“I’m digging this, baby.”
Thanks for mentioning both BrooklineTom. Honestly if he was still in office, Mark Hatfield would probably be the candidate I agreed with most. His Christianity influenced him in profoundly wonderful ways. Like me he was pro-life on all fronts, against the Vietnam and first Iraq Wars, against torture, against the death penalty, as well as being against abortion. He was for civil rights for all, including gays, who regardless of what his religious opinions about them were, he felt deserved equal protection under the law. He was also one of the staunchest proponents of the environment and campaign finance reform, before either issue was cool or sexy. He and Mac were some of the key allies Democrats had in blocking the more odious portions of the Reagan agenda. Hatfield was also solidly conservative on fiscal matters and never voted for a pork barrel project. Its shameful the Republican party seems unable to produce great men like this today.
While I appreciate and share your admiration for Mark Hatfield, it was Charlie on the MTA who mentioned him (in his promotion note), rather than me.
p>Oh, and thanks for bump, Charlie!
I also mentioned Hatfield in the past tense a lot, but turns out he is still alive and well and teaching in Oregeon. Sadly too old to come back to office and rip these false Republicans a new one.
I voted for Mac Mathias the first time I voted. A courageous critic of Nixon from within his party, and a supporter of civil rights.
Believe it or not, there was a time when Republicans did not demonize Democrats as free-taxing, bloated-spending, unpatriotic, blame-America-first liberals. It was OK to be liberal or conservative in this country. The two sides may have had wide disagreements but they were… civil about it.
See for example this Buckley – Chomsky debate:
p>The two are quite far apart from each other politically but they are respectful and engage with the points the other makes. These days, similar figures would just be yelling at the top of their lungs, completely ignoring or dismissing whatever the other is trying to say.
to tell these fucking assholes. More civility please.
“I’m digging this, baby.”
Thanks for mentioning both BrooklineTom. Honestly if he was still in office, Mark Hatfield would probably be the candidate I agreed with most. His Christianity influenced him in profoundly wonderful ways. Like me he was pro-life on all fronts, against the Vietnam and first Iraq Wars, against torture, against the death penalty, as well as being against abortion. He was for civil rights for all, including gays, who regardless of what his religious opinions about them were, he felt deserved equal protection under the law. He was also one of the staunchest proponents of the environment and campaign finance reform, before either issue was cool or sexy. He and Mac were some of the key allies Democrats had in blocking the more odious portions of the Reagan agenda. Hatfield was also solidly conservative on fiscal matters and never voted for a pork barrel project. Its shameful the Republican party seems unable to produce great men like this today.
While I appreciate and share your admiration for Mark Hatfield, it was Charlie on the MTA who mentioned him (in his promotion note), rather than me.
p>Oh, and thanks for bump, Charlie!
I also mentioned Hatfield in the past tense a lot, but turns out he is still alive and well and teaching in Oregeon. Sadly too old to come back to office and rip these false Republicans a new one.