as far as I know, we have largely avoided the invasion of the sign snatchers.
p>What a bunch of silly silly people. Do they know how pathetic it looks to trash someone’s sign and get up all in the video camera like that?
What if some Brown supporters circulate this and try to say that the sign trasher is a Coakley supporter?
The guy went back into the crowd of cheering Brown supporters and appeared to come from there.
I’m just being a little wacko myself. Wouldn’t it be funny if they tried?
Here’s our chance to put the power of the web to work.
p>This incident took place in North Andover, along Main Street — ironically, a block from the North Andover City Hall.
p>I’ve located where the incident occurred, and marked some relevant locations on a Google map.
p>Regarding the location, in the background at the beginning is a large sign that reads “First & Main”. A TD Bank is across the street. The first episode takes place directly in front of a Dunkin Donuts. The second episode occurs in front of the “MacDonald & Pangione” building (104 Main Street), clearly visible in the background of the clip.
p>Here are the two thugs. Perhaps we can ID them, I think it’s high time the world knows who they are and what they do.
p>Male perpetrator:
p>I’m not an attorney, but the perp clearly strikes the victim in the face with the sign (to applause and cheers from the crowd). Isn’t that assault and battery?
p>Female perpetrator:
p>The woman clearly says “Tucker, bring the big sign over here, this man wants it in front of him.”
p>I’d like to know who she is and who “Tucker” is. Is “Tucker” a child? Surely her family, friends, neighbors, and business associates will appreciate this example of the behavior she models, especially for a child (if that is, indeed, the case).
I’d like to just mention that “street view” is really cool. It takes about two minutes to confirm, using street view, that these are the same buildings that are in the video.
Certainly one could make the case for simple assault, but these people will never learn.
I’m only suggesting that they be very publicly identified.
p>I’m under the impression that the moment the sign struck the demonstrator in the face, the “assault” became “battery. I think that, for that matter, the fact that the victim was struck in the face might even provoke an “aggravated battery” charge.
p>Be that as it may, I think the point is that those of us who find such violence and thuggery unacceptable must say so and make it so.
p>In my view, the public exposure of the name of the perpetrator, linked to publicly available video clips like this that show the unacceptable behavior, is entirely appropriate and called for.
It reminds me of the Repug riot at the recount in Florida. Exposure enabled them to be traced back to Delay’s office.
p>If they want to be thugs and bullies, they should be tough enough to stand up and face the music.
p>Just today, I was holding a Coakley sign at the polls and talking to a sign-holding Brown supporter. He was all bent out of shape because of some video Fox is playing on a loop featuring some “reporter” from the Weekly Standard and allegedly (according to Brown supporter) showing Coakley watching as said reporter is knocked to ground. He was shocked at her behavior, I tell you. Shocked at her thuggery.
p>The hypocrisy of the Republicans and their Fox TV, talk radio and teabagger friends is deeper than any ocean on Earth and is only rivaled by the height of their arrogance.
Obama is about globalism at American expense. The billionaires sit on the CFR along with Tim Geithner. Cass Scumstein want’s to Gitmo domestic dissenters. Here is an older guy who does not want to be a street person via carbon trading scams.
And let us not forget Mr Peace Prize warmongering for Yemen and tons of yet to be named places of interest, the international and alternate news laughing at and or disgusted with the US Haitian relief efforts. This will be Obama’s Katrina. We will not be Clockwork Oranged here. If the term Nazi fits then let it fly.
SHOCKED, I tell you that a Republican/wingnut/righty would gladly censor free speech that they didn’t agree with.
p>That law is for me and not for thee.
p>Did that guy ever leave the third grade??
as far as I know, we have largely avoided the invasion of the sign snatchers.
p>What a bunch of silly silly people. Do they know how pathetic it looks to trash someone’s sign and get up all in the video camera like that?
What if some Brown supporters circulate this and try to say that the sign trasher is a Coakley supporter?
The guy went back into the crowd of cheering Brown supporters and appeared to come from there.
I’m just being a little wacko myself. Wouldn’t it be funny if they tried?
Here’s our chance to put the power of the web to work.
p>This incident took place in North Andover, along Main Street — ironically, a block from the North Andover City Hall.
p>I’ve located where the incident occurred, and marked some relevant locations on a Google map.
p>Regarding the location, in the background at the beginning is a large sign that reads “First & Main”. A TD Bank is across the street. The first episode takes place directly in front of a Dunkin Donuts. The second episode occurs in front of the “MacDonald & Pangione” building (104 Main Street), clearly visible in the background of the clip.
p>Here are the two thugs. Perhaps we can ID them, I think it’s high time the world knows who they are and what they do.
p>Male perpetrator:
p>I’m not an attorney, but the perp clearly strikes the victim in the face with the sign (to applause and cheers from the crowd). Isn’t that assault and battery?
p>Female perpetrator:
p>The woman clearly says “Tucker, bring the big sign over here, this man wants it in front of him.”
p>I’d like to know who she is and who “Tucker” is. Is “Tucker” a child? Surely her family, friends, neighbors, and business associates will appreciate this example of the behavior she models, especially for a child (if that is, indeed, the case).
I’d like to just mention that “street view” is really cool. It takes about two minutes to confirm, using street view, that these are the same buildings that are in the video.
Certainly one could make the case for simple assault, but these people will never learn.
I’m only suggesting that they be very publicly identified.
p>I’m under the impression that the moment the sign struck the demonstrator in the face, the “assault” became “battery. I think that, for that matter, the fact that the victim was struck in the face might even provoke an “aggravated battery” charge.
p>Be that as it may, I think the point is that those of us who find such violence and thuggery unacceptable must say so and make it so.
p>In my view, the public exposure of the name of the perpetrator, linked to publicly available video clips like this that show the unacceptable behavior, is entirely appropriate and called for.
It reminds me of the Repug riot at the recount in Florida. Exposure enabled them to be traced back to Delay’s office.
p>If they want to be thugs and bullies, they should be tough enough to stand up and face the music.
p>Just today, I was holding a Coakley sign at the polls and talking to a sign-holding Brown supporter. He was all bent out of shape because of some video Fox is playing on a loop featuring some “reporter” from the Weekly Standard and allegedly (according to Brown supporter) showing Coakley watching as said reporter is knocked to ground. He was shocked at her behavior, I tell you. Shocked at her thuggery.
p>The hypocrisy of the Republicans and their Fox TV, talk radio and teabagger friends is deeper than any ocean on Earth and is only rivaled by the height of their arrogance.
Obama is about globalism at American expense. The billionaires sit on the CFR along with Tim Geithner. Cass Scumstein want’s to Gitmo domestic dissenters. Here is an older guy who does not want to be a street person via carbon trading scams.
And let us not forget Mr Peace Prize warmongering for Yemen and tons of yet to be named places of interest, the international and alternate news laughing at and or disgusted with the US Haitian relief efforts. This will be Obama’s Katrina. We will not be Clockwork Oranged here. If the term Nazi fits then let it fly.