UPDATE: OK, the latest is that they don’t need drivers. What they need is people to canvass, especially in the Boston/Cambridge/Somerville area. If you are free this afternoon or evening, call Matt at 617-794-8163, or call the campaign’s main number at 617-241-0200.
I will be heading over to the Davis Square HQ (19 College Ave.) shortly, and hope to see you there. Thank you!
If you have a driver’s license and have some time this afternoon or evening, call the Coakley campaign and tell them you’re available. I’m hearing that they could really use additional drivers.
I just called, and am awaiting instructions on where they need me. I’ll probably be driving folks around for the next several hours.
Just do it. When today is done, you’ll want to be able to tell yourself that you did everything you could.
assist. Call them if you know any. The weather is Horrible on the North Shore. I called my mother and she was not going to vote d/t weather although she was ok with me coming to drive her.
I was in Fitchburg yesterday talking to potential voters about the race, and was shocked at the enthusiasm for Brown. How are people being fooled by this guy? Then today, I voted in Wollaston (heavy turnout) and saw a Brown supporter holding a big sign, but no signs for Coakley. My husband voted earlier, and saw no Coakley signs then either. Okay, it has been pointed out that signs don’t vote, but they do display enthusiasm. Where were they in Quincy?
Almost anyone who can hold a sign can call phones or door knock, which are both eminently more effective than holding a sign. Campaign supporters always get agitated by signs, but you just got to let your brain do the speaking and not your heart… those signs don’t matter. The only people who should be given signs in a campaign are people who absolutely, positively won’t do ANYTHING else, but hold signs.
p>Just have a little faith in the canvassing/phone banking formula.. it’s far more effective than the chicken-running-around-with-its-head-cut-off tactic of putting everyone on the signs. If a few people go to the polls nervous, it’s not like they’re going to change their vote. They may just be scared enough to call all their friends to get to the polls.
And the energy is really good in Medford Hillside. Most folks on my walk list already voted, and they get it. Big stuff today. I’m more hopeful than I was 24 hours ago.
p>Get it done!
A Coakley advisor was on the phone/email with Politico before 3pm, spinning the loss as caused by the folks in DC, not the Coakley campaign.
p>Axelrod on the record today praising the campaign of Scott Brown.
p>That must mean the internals are freeeeeeeeeeeee fallin….
p>Can’t they even wait a day?
I was canvassing in Brookline, and there were several seniors who wanted to vote but needed rides (and the campaign had the wrong phone numbers for them, so needed to go door-to-door to find them).
p>We got them rides, but I wonder if there are other seniors who still need help…
p>Almost all of the younger people weren’t home, and the few that were had already voted.
Just watching the Ed Schultz show and a guest quoted from Mayor Menino that there are big turnouts in places like Carlisle, which is hugely Republican. Is it the righties who are coming out to vote in droves?
p>Please don’t get me wrong– I know I am new to this list, though I’ve lurked for ages. I am not trying to be negative. But it seems every pundit, even on the friendly shows, is saying negative things about the campaign she ran. To all who are working tirelessly, I appreciate what you do. I’ve tried to do my share too. But I am mystified by the appeal of a Bush-Cheney clone. Ted Kennedy is spinning in his grave.
There are way more registered voters there than Carlisle.
50% at my precinct at 4, before the after work rush.
Righties and lefties. The good news? We outnumber them 2:1. The bad news? There are many people who are angry at a deeply emotional level and not thinking about things logically. I still think we have more than them. Carlisle’s about the size of a small neighborhood in Boston ;p
You are not the only person who goes into campaigns worrying a ton. It is completely natural to be nervous. Just call all your friends, family and acquaintances and get them out. There’s still an hour and a half: that’s what you still can do.
I just logged on and found a Scott Brown ad on the right (naturally) side of this page. Okay fine, I know it’s from GoogleAds, but I wish there were ways to control it. Last night, the ads were on a number of leftie sites including HuffingtonPost and TalkingPointsMemo. Amazing but true.
I think of it as a waste of money.