My favorite spar,
“Just so I’m clear, so we get a simple answer, you would let the top 2 percent keep the tax cuts they got during the Bush-Cheney administration?” Coakley said to Brown. “That’s a yes or no.”
“I’m not going to play the yes or no game,” Brown said.
“If you can’t answer yes or no, then I don’t want an answer, thanks,” Coakley said.
Will Martha grow into the job? Will she show some gut? What do you think?
Please share widely!
patrick says
“I’ll answer.”
joets says
and then was promptly chastised by my girlfriend for missing a turn. She was not as shocked as I.
billxi says
And not a stunt double. If it was her, I bet she’s icing a pulled muscle.
Why does Martha never answer questions? Oh, she’s on vacation. Stay on vacation.