Beyond the rallies and sign holders, the cliche is true that it only matters what happens on election day and I’m wondering what kind of GOTV the Brown forces have?
You’d have to be in denial not to see that Brown has momentum on the ground…with home made lawn signs sprouting up and cars with “Scott Brown” written in soap on the back windshields… But what is under the hood–sorry, I was typing that and realized the allusion and it was not intended–of all the emotion and enthusiasm (and yes, this is a variation of a post I just did over at RMG)?
Of course one could argue that the Brown forces don’t need a GOTV effort, the energy and momentum of the campaign will push every Brown voter to the polls (I saw it happen in the reverse with Carol Shea Porter in 2006 up in NH)…but I can say without a doubt that the DEMS have their sh*t together and will get their vote out also.
My town’s Democratic Committee called through to every registered Dem in our town (I put my time in) and I personally have gotten 4 calls from people/canvassers asking me to vote for Martha on Tuesday. If that is an indication of what is happening, we could see one hell-of-a-turnout that could rival an off-year election turnout.
In fact, I’m going to stick my neck out (as this could be one of my last postings at BMG if MArtha loses) that 2 million voters will vote on Tuesday–about the turnout of the 2006 general election.
I was thrilled to see Tom Menino forcefully speak on Coakley’s behalf, and to see Guy Glodis doing calls for her. That’s a strong team to have on one’s side. There is a lot of noise on Brown’s behalf, but noise doesn’t always translate into votes. Coakley’s supporters are going to have lots of support in their effort to support her…Brown’s people are largely on their own.
Guess I’m going to have Google him…
(High?) Sheriff of Worcester County and I believe a former state Senator. He is currently seeking the Dem nomination for Auditor.
He may not be well known in Boston, but he is well known “in Worcester and beyond.”
Judging from facebook and the number of cars I’ve seen with Brown stickers and out of state license plates, it’s seems like the campaign has considerable support from folks who can’t vote here.
He was being yelled at with Southern accents by Borwn supporters and no, they weren’t ‘south coast’ accents.
Seriously… I’m not busting on you because you were a Capuano supporter… And it’s not just Mike. Where’s Barney Frank? Where’s Steven Lynch? Where’s Pags and Khazei? We’ve had Kerry, CLinton, Viki Kennedy and Obama barnstorming the state for Martha. Menino too… Where’ Mike? and the others?
p>With so much at stake, the silence on the part of the Mass House delegation as a whole, is inexcusable…
I’ve seen/heard some from Barney Frank and saw him speak for Coakley last weekend. But Capuano, Khazei, Lynch, Pagliuca have all been MIA. Frankly, Deval Patrick hasn’t been doing much either, far as I can tell.
p>As for Menino, I want him in his GOTV bunker.
Tim Murray, Jim McGovern and new Worcester Mayor Joe O’Brien are leading the charge in Central and Western MA…Murray was shaking hands in Holyoke malls to gin up support. The 3 amigos put 1,000 people in WPI for the rally in Worcester and McGovern is working the South coast part of his district hard.
If you are every in a death match, these three are the ones who will come through for you every time. Their efforts will not be forgotten. While others watched, they moved mountains for Martha. (And McGovern and O’Brien were with Capuano in the Primary…but, they get what is at stake!)
Raised over $60K for Martha last week. I’ve been getting emails to volunteer for Coakley and vote from his campaign every couple days.
That aside, not only has my house gotten 4 calls from brown folks already, we actually had some foot soldiers come to my house today.
p>And might I just say, my house is in the freakin woods of S. Middleboro.
p>If they have people on foot out here, then I have zero worries about the GOTV efforts of the brown campaign.
Mr. Skeffington is indeed a RMG poster – he’s Festus Garvey!
p>Frank Skeffington and Festus Garvey are two people in the finest book ever written about Boston (maybe American) politics…and if you don’t know which one, I despair of you, me lad.
my question was that he said this could be one of his last posts if martha loses, but I thought if he lost he didnt post on rmg.
While the Last Hurrah is set in Boston, and is a vague satire of James Michael Curley, it is definitely one of the best books on American politics ever written. Almost as good as All the Kings Men.
p>Of course, since Middleboro is one of the most Republican towns in the state, in the most Republican county in the state, I’m not surprised that Brown’s people are crawling all over that area. Who knows…maybe Scott’s got a great ground game statewide, but you certainly can’t tell that by looking at Middleboro of all places.
I live in a well-populated row of townhouses, and nobody from Brown has been here. I’ve seen a couple Brown signs on commercial properties, and some Coakley signs. Visibilities for Coakley, not for Brown. I helped out on one, and got about 50-50 pro/con reactions, good for the area.
Out of curiosity, how many Dems did you talk to who said they were supporting Brown, if any?
p>Soap on the back window, good idea, I can’t get a Brown sign anywhere
Hi All:
p> My wife just informed me that it was Scott Brown who was the opponent of Angus McQuilken in that special election in 2004 to fill the seat vacated by Cheryl Jacques.
p> I had known Angus McQuilken from the Massachusetts Young Democrats in 1996, and as a Democratic State Committeeman from the district next door I had shown up to hold signs for him in Needham several times before that election.
p> I recall that when I mentioned working hard for a Democratic nominee in the district next door to the delegates of the Democratic State Senate District caucus when I was seeking re-appointment to that seat the delegates and the other DSC members didn’t care much and proceeded to vote me out of that office. Isn’t it funny how their apathy is coming back to bite them? It is very pitiful that none of the members of the State Committee in my district are doing any work for Martha Coakley now.
p> Just an observation. But I hope that the Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party might make note of this and make sure that members of the State Committee do their jobs.
Wayne Wilson
…and I worked for her in the primary, too. I represent the 4th Middlesex State Senate District [ballot] and take nothing for granted. I support Martha for many reasons. See my first person report of tonight’s phone bank at my place.
p>What State Senate District are YOU in? Just curious.
Dear Deborah:
p> I live in the Suffolk and Norfolk District which includes the neighborhoods of Roslindale, Hyde Park and West Roxbury in Boston, and the towns of Dedham, Westwood and Norwood.
Wayne Wilson
Member, Ward 19 Democratic Committee
p>P.S. I appreciate your good work for the Democratic nominee , but my elected and caucus selected state senate district DSC members are akin to sloths.
…but I’ve been mostly in W.Rox., Newton, Watertown & Waltham. And my nephew attended a Coakley GOTV training hosted by SEIU yesterday in Brookline that had over 400 volunteers.
p>There’s no way Brown has a GOTV operation and ID’d voters anywhere close to Coakley. He’s 100-percent hoping for a “Pickett’s Charge” upset.
and However, I did see a lone guy standing out in Wellington Circle, and I heard that there were Brown shirts going foor-to-door canvassing. So they do have a GOTV effort, but I wonder if it’s actually people from MA.
p>There’s very little chance of that, but we don’t need turnout to be that high. If we even pass the 1 million barrier, Martha has a good shot.