Today, Governor Patrick will release the state budget, setting in motion a process of give and take that will unfold over a minimum of three months. During that period, many of us will be advocating against cuts — to our programs, our favored line items, to the local aid that keeps our communities afloat.
At ONE Massachusetts, we've been asking the Governor and Legislature to take a balanced approach to the budget deficit, combining new revenues with federal and reserve funds to avoid cutting critical programs. Our trainings will enable you to make the case for more funding and at the same time remind your audience of the critical role government plays in keeping our communities safe and healthy, fostering economic growth and expanding opportunity for everyone.
Much rides on how convincing our arguments are. How compellingly can we convey the critical importance of funding our communities. ONE Massachusetts is offering trainings designed to help you make the case for more revenue in the state budget.
On Feb. 2, join us for a training at the Boston Teachers Union in Dorchester from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Feb 3, join us for an Insider Budget Briefing at our 30 Winter Street office from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Contact to set up a training for your staff, board or colleagues.
(Cross-posted on ONE Mass)
Here is the link to the whole budget document which is broken down very nicely in useful segments in plain English (for the most part). The issues in brief are especially nice.
p>Here at ONE Mass we are glad to see the Issue in Brief on the Tax Expenditure Budget again in plain English and explaining some budget language that will bring in a little over $150 million dollars.
p>Some will say it is small change in relation to the impact of the proposed level funding and across the board cuts imposed on the range of public structures and programs that keep out communities and our people healthy, but it’s a start.
p>To nobody’s surprise ONE Mass regional Networks will be urging their Legislative delegations to support these revenue proposals and maybe even propose a few more.
can be found here. Lots more easy to read uncolored bipartisan analysis. As Joe Friday used to say. “Just the facts Ma’m”
Go to…
p>Line item 0321-1500 is “staff”
p>Line item 0321-1510 is “independent contractors” who pay for offices themselves, and hire staff all over the Commonsealth.
p>Note the vast expansion of staff [state employees] and the slash and burn to the independent court appointed bar.
p>Remember, no taxpayer pays pensions, or buys so much as one piece of paper for those independents.
p>Follow the money; see what was done. Lost in Obama’s speech probably to everyone but those affected by these two line items.
p>And – oh yeah – no separate funding or protection for Guardians Ad Litems. None.
So the total budget is 39.4B with the Federal money thrown in – how does this compare against prior years including Federal money ?