This is also a fork in the road for congressional Democrats, particularly those in the Senate. It seems that the GOP was able to shove its agenda through a Senate that was 50-50 and relying on Dick Cheney to cas the tiebreaking vote. So now we have a 59-41 margin. Let’s write off Lieberman and Nelson and figure we can rely on 57 votes.
One of the messages from the vote was the frustration about the ineptitude of the Democrats to get something done. The left was unhappy with a congress that was willing to compromise away progressive ideals before the debate even started, while conservatives won’t like anything that comes from our side of the aisle. Let’s energize the base.
I think the solution is to be assertive and bold, and use a 57 vote majority to enact a genuine Democratic agenda. We can’t afford to let the GOP use these delay tactics to bring our agenda to a halt. To start, let’s stop hiding under our desks when there’s even the threat of a filibuster. If the Republicans want to filibuster, make them stand in the well and talk their nonsense. Let them show themselves to be the obstructionists they are.
Of course, I like the bold and assertive style. Then again, I was for Capuano, who would have shreaded Brown into itty bitty pieces the minute he came out with that Jack Kennedy ad.
First, why rub salt in the wounds.
p>Second, I don’t believe this statement to be true.
p>Third, why savage your own party?
p>So no recommend unless you edit. Tawdry – not your best work.
I’m not sure Micheal’s bold and aggressive style could have successfully beaten back Eric Ferhstrom’s Scott either. But it needed doing, and Martha’s campaign didn’t or couldn’t do it.
And salt does not “lead to healing” but to permanent tissue damage – so I disagree entirely that adding this zinger was wise, helpful, or anything but making any divisions worse. As to Martha’s campaign I can agree that I would have run it differently – but then I am still a Detroit streetfighter – ask the local candidates I have helped run campaigns for who won. I think my gritty connection to real life and front line issues would have been of use to her…and I can think of a few others who don’t get that kind of correct information who would benefit, too.
p>I also believe that Barack and Deval are at risk because what really matters to most voters is not ideology but jobs and neither have led with determination or fierceness on basic issues – more charter schools won’t win elections nor heal divisions but rather add to divisions and waste political capital.
p>So, yeah, kicking folk when they are hurting is no way to build unity or prepare for the next election, IMHO.
p>And I am of the opinion that the “genie behind the curtain” was Winslow with Fernstrom, as always, nothing but a front man.
Every Democrat between here and Los Angeles will be trashing the hell out of us in Massachusetts. MSNBC was trashing us all night. Either we write the post-mortem or someone else will. What’s you post mortem Amber?