Your request for additional funding will be stronger if you can say that your organization supports increasing state revenues to support all of our public structures, including your request. This may mean ending special tax cuts or loopholes like the film tax credit or the single sale factor corporate tax, or boosting a broader progressive tax like an income tax increase.
If you worked against the Question 1 referendum in 2008, the ballot question that would have eliminated the state income tax, tell the legislator you did that. You can also say you will work against any referendum that might be on the ballot this fall to eliminate or lessen the sales tax.
Please share widely!
Start now. The Governor needs to hear it as he prepares his FY 11 budget (scheduled to be released on Wed January 27th).
p>Reps and Senators need to hear it and they’re not waiting for the Governor’s budget they’re starting NOW! Below are some quotes from Chairman Murphy during the debate Wed night.