We, like the majority of this country do not want the current Healthcare Reform bill to pass. We need to get together and show our politicians that they cannot force us to pay more money for less services, while they cut away at Medicare.
p>The time is now, the place is MA. Send a loud message that big Pharma cannot win by buying business with an $80 Billion gift to the White House.
p>Elect Scott Brown and tell Washington that the PEOPLE run this country, not lobbyists.
But it is off-topic and not germane to the NB Standard-Times.
One zero is from a newbie and the other is from someone who almost never posts. Whatever helps you sleep, I guess.
But just to warn you, the next 12 months will be providing me with voluminous amounts of data to shove into the face of liberal Democrats.
Stay tuned for more “petty and annoying” remarks in 2009 and 2010.
I along with Mardee Xifaris and Judi Havens have been heading up organizing for Martha here in Dartmouth for months. It is going well. I have a weekly radio spot on WBSM 1420 every week. It is on a conservative radio show. It’s nice to get the “other” side of the story out there once in awhile.
johnd says
We, like the majority of this country do not want the current Healthcare Reform bill to pass. We need to get together and show our politicians that they cannot force us to pay more money for less services, while they cut away at Medicare.
p>The time is now, the place is MA. Send a loud message that big Pharma cannot win by buying business with an $80 Billion gift to the White House.
p>Elect Scott Brown and tell Washington that the PEOPLE run this country, not lobbyists.
shillelaghlaw says
But it is off-topic and not germane to the NB Standard-Times.
johnd says
huh says
One zero is from a newbie and the other is from someone who almost never posts. Whatever helps you sleep, I guess.
kbusch says
p>”Petty and annoying” does not win friends.
kbusch says
By rating me, JohnD, you are replying to me.
p>Also you admit that I am right because you cannot answer me.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
You had me sweating that one out Ray. I thought you’d never come around.
ray-m says
Was the letter to long winded?
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
great letter.
p>Just a little busting your balls.
p>I mean, was there any doubt as to who would endorse?
p>Was it necessary? Sort of self-serving, wouldn’t you say?
p>How is the GOTV going? That is what counts.
p>Sorry to tell you this, but nobody except you read the entire letter. Your family and friends read a few sentences. There were no other readers.
p>It’s about organizing for Tuesday. How many names do u have on your list? Hundreds, thousands, I hope. Get them out to vote.
ray-m says
I along with Mardee Xifaris and Judi Havens have been heading up organizing for Martha here in Dartmouth for months. It is going well. I have a weekly radio spot on WBSM 1420 every week. It is on a conservative radio show. It’s nice to get the “other” side of the story out there once in awhile.
p>KEEP up the good WORK