Forwarded to assist NH Citizen’s alliance – Deb
Date: Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:41 PM
Subject: Town Hall with Obama in Nashua on Tuesday!
To: AmberPaw dot
Sorry for the short notice, but we have just learned that President Obama will be appearing at a Town Hall about jobs in a few days. Please read the following email from our colleagues at New Hampshire Citizens Alliance for more information NH Citizen’s Alliance see also notice at Blue Hampshire:
Dear Deborah,
Town Hall with Obama in Nashua on Tuesday!
For more info contact Olivia at: Ozink dot
The White House itself is coordinating tickets at this link:…
Millions of people in this country are losing their jobs, healthcare and homes while wealthy banks and insurance companies continue to reap huge benefits from the gridlock in Washington. We had the hope–now, we need the change.
On the heels of his state of the union address, President Obama is hosting a town hall meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd in Nashua at the Nashua High School, North to discuss jobs and the economy. Come and add your voice. Stand up and be counted!
Can you come before the event and hold a sign? If you would like to hold a sign at the event please arrive at Nashua High School North at 10am. Please contact Olivia to coordinate.
Town Hall with President Barack Obama on Jobs and the Economy
Location: Nashua High School North
Date: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010
Time: Doors open at 12 pm. Event starts at 2 pm
Tickets: Click here for tickets! Be sure to sign up before 5:00 pm on Saturday, January 30th when the online sign-up expires, a limited number of individuals will be selected and contacted regarding ticket pick-up information. Please note we don’t have the tickets – they are being disbursed by the White House.
Olivia and Sarah
New Hampshire Citizens Alliance
It is of course a screened audience!
I did not; not planning on going as of today; I posted at the request of BlueHampshire to spread the word. Is anyone planning to go? Liveblog? I would like to know. If no one else is going, I will see if I can free up the time on short notice.