There is a State Representative seat currently held by a Democrat in Franklin County that will be an open seat this year. This is a district that is hugely Democratic based, but there is a Republican challenge. I am introducing myself to the readers of Blue Mass Group as a Democratic candidate for the 2nd Franklin District comprised of Athol, Greenfield, Orange, Erving, Warwick and Gill. This is a vital Western Massachusetts seat. All of my bio info, issues etc can be found on my website at and if anyone cares to contribute to the cause there is a place to do so. Thank you!
Please share widely!
this is a Massachusetts blog. You need to to contact Sam Drucker at the general store, (he is also your county clerk). He’ll explain what state you and all your fellow Hootervillians reside in. But we certainly know it ain’t here.
p>P.S. it would help you if you told us who the rep is who is leaving.
The political campaign committee is for:
# 14983
Chauvette, Lee E.
255 Lake Ellis Road Athol MA 01331
House, 2nd Franklin
Committee Registered: 10/5/2009
p>Source: Office of Campaign and Political Finance (on the “recent filings page” as of Jan, 2010)…
I just read your web site. Will you be a shill for the firefighters and police unions? Can you identify any issues where you differ with them? Any? Just one?
p>Your republican opponent will be askig.
Thanks Kathy!! I look forward to the challenge!
As I left the General Store awhile ago I meant to offer that Representative that is leaving is Christopher Donelan. He is running for a different office. Oh and by the way the General Store is in Massachusetts just like the 2nd Franklin District. And regarding the Firefighter and Police Unions? If I do have any differring opinions then they do, I will surely step up and discuss them with them.
He has previously made comments derogatory of any union, especially public sector as well as implying that he does acknowledge west of Worcester County as part of MA.
Thanks Christopher! I have been in public service for 25 years. I spent 19 years saving lives and property and have sat 9 years on my local school committee.. I work for the people and have never forgotten that!!! So I don’t let negative commenters bother me.
It’s just part of his shtick. Don’t feel like you need to respond to him unless you want to.
zero sense of humor, and gives an answer that furhter hints he is the firefighters and police unions’ shill. (‘Any differnces with them will be discussed with them.’ That’s backroom politics my friend – what about the voters and tax payers? – you just admitted you are a puppet)
p>That answer is not going to fly at the debate when you are asked it. And you will be asked it.
p>You show absolutely no political skill in this answer. Flunked an easy test.
p>Gomer my Gomer.
p>I think leech (how ironic, a shill for public employee unions with a nickname leech)will be an EB3 poster boy for what is killing the Democratic Party. Tis is what the Party brings out?
p>leech has been riding in fire trucks since he was 19
p>He has two endorsements so far:
police and fire unions
p>Leech, you need to be a smart and strong if you want to go to Beacon Hill and do a good job. It ain’t like being fireman Bill where you walk into the local coffee shop and all the wombats think you’re big stuff.
Hmmm I have seen rapid fire responses to your postings, giving me advice to not respond to you and I already see what your job here is and you know what? That’s okay! That’s why we enjoy our own rights to express our own opinions. I am not really too worried what you think of me and that’s the political process.
p>Few points you are wrong on. First off, I have a profound sense of humor..that’s provable for anybody that knows me personally.. Also, my two endorsements thus far are a local police union and a operator and engineers union. If you are going to knit pick , get the picks right.
p>Finally more importantly my track record locally speaks for itself. I have always stood along the voters and taxpayers in my elected nine years on my local regional school committee. I have always favored responsible budgets that provide the best level of education that the towns could afford. While the student population is the ultimate benefactor, one must NOT lose sight of the people who put you in office. I never have! That track record is proveable by anyone in my school district.
p>As far as “LeeCh” goes, go ahead have fun. That’s my God given name and I do use it. Again you have the right to your opinion, and I welcome you to excercise that right.
p>Obviously, from that response. What more needs to be said?
p>Advice from EB3: when in the roll of candidate, which you are right now right here, never ever “knit pick”.
p>More EB3 advice; You said nothing there. Nothing! Lousy. Who is advising you? Give a few examples from your nine years. Although you may think the exclamation point makes you statesman like it really, just amplifies that you have nothing solid to say.
p>There’s that “profound sense of humor” I guess.
I am enjoying this exchange Ernie and you are making some points however I would like to list some examples for you of my work in the school district..
p>Our school district hit a brick wall and was falling into financial ruin. I suggested to the Superintendent that we seek a financial assistance loan from the State to combat the $1,000,000 deficit we had. I worked with him and our State Rep to get the loan done. We worked under a Financial Advisory Board for 3 years.
p>To preserve the eductional program of the district, a core group worked to pass a Prop 2 1/2 Override for education. The town has had 21 overrides…One successful. I was a part of the core group. We worked hard to bring the voters on board to support education. I spent countless hours talking education with senior citizens, parent groups, etc. I am not afraid to stand up and work hard. This is not the answer to every woe but it was necessary to maintain a quality education.
p>During a tough budget cycle prior to the loan and the override the committee could not come to terms on personnel cuts. I took the tough job on and crafted a list of needed personnel cuts that spread the cuts through the district. This list was voted unanmously by the committee.
p>Our High School lost its accreditation and was opening the flood gates for school choice. The Superintendent submitted a plan that flipped the high school with our new middle school.. I drafted a “comprehensive plan” that utilized and remodeled existing space in the high school that was endorsed by the committee, today the High School has Full Accreditation. Out of that came a new library-media center, art room, guidance suite, nurses area- all citings that were “building definciencies”.
Question: Whee do you disagree, if at all, with the historic education bill approved by the House last week?
p>Comment: Are you High?
p>You are a goddamn candidate for public office. You preface answering a question with “just this once”?
p>Whatever…. You either get it or you don’t.
p>Question Leech, what type of education did you recieve out there? Being in a one room school house and all.
p>BTW Sorry about calling you a shill for police and cops. My mistake. You worship at the altar of the teachers’ unions and given your faith to them. Nothing wrong with that. I am sure you are sincere. But….
p>I don’t know about Hooterville, but here in civilization poor kids are getting screwed every single day because of the status quo championed by the teachers’ unions and allowed by politicians like you.
HR 4410 in the Mass House provides the basis for the state to become competitive for Fedral grant funding and participation in the “race to the top” program, where Massachusetts (both Hooterville and Civilization) can be eligible for $250 million dollars to enhance the educational system of the state.
p>HR 4410 provides the groundwork to establish performance based evaluations and allows for performance evaluations of Administrators. It allows the Superintendent in “underperforming” districts to make personnel changes irregardless of contracts but in a fair manner. It allows the dismissal of “underperforming employees”. These employees will not have the right to bump other employees.
p>This bill is the first step to bringing responsibility and management to school systems irregardless of negotiated items. Performance based evaluations are heading to Mass anyways. The Charter School piece allows for dictation of percentages of costs and allocations from public school budgets. It allows for the creation of the Commonwealth Charters or Horace Mann Charters in the “underperforming” districts to enhance student achievement.
p>Overall HR4410 is a step in the right direction
You gave a long policy wonk boring Kerryesque answer that never identified what you find wrong with the bill. Citing Bill numbers… Yawn.
p>The details. What about the details? Anything?
p>Or are you just a parrot. Your answer was parrot like.
p>You have shown no evidence that you are anyhting but a shill for pubclic unions. However, you keep solidifying my opinion that you are.
p>You need to show some independent thinking my friend. Where are do you draw the line in the sand against public unions. It appears from the record you boast of that you never do.
I specifically said…. the bill is a step in the right direction… I specifically said… “This bill is the first step to bringing responsibility and management to school systems irregardless of negotiated items.” The bill gives ” the receiver” more widespread ability to make changes in personnel under the guidance of the Superintendent.. Where in there do you find me being a “shill” for any union?
p>It appears you have a great inward personal hatred for public unions. I have always negotiated in the best interest of both voter/residentcomes first and then employee organization. I have been involved with getting a union to accept health care changes which lowered costs to the district immensely.. no small task there Ernie.
p>No matter how I answer you’ll find fault. Its your job here. Thats okay. The answer is I find any bill that strengthens the public educational system in Massachusetts a good thing. This bill does, this bill takes a bite out of collective bargaining.
p>Have you read the education bill? Do you know what amendments were allowed and rejected? There are still many differences of opinions among Democrats about what should be on this “step in the right direction” law. As a long time school committee person I am sure you are aware of many of the details. If not, you should be.
p>What are your differnces? Simple question.
p>Never ever question the motives of anyone questioning you. Why should a politician care if the questions are legitimate?
p>That’s what we call self-serving statements with absolutely no substance. What? Because you repeat it over and over makes it true.
p>Here’s how you can make me believe you. Please tell us one issue which your stand is different than the teachers unions in your towns? You have been working closely on these issues for years. There should be some right off the top of your head. No matter how pro-teacher you are. Let’s hear some leech.
p>Now you are victim, leech?
p>Well I have found legitimate fault. Your attitude here is so disrespectful to the people tryi g to make an educated choice for office for which you desire. Backroom dealing with public unions, personal attacks against people asking questions, (It doesn’t matter how ridiculous the question is) self-serving ambiguous statements, self-victimization. I could go on.
First..Ernie no backroom dealings with unions. Let’s make that clear. I have worked hard at that. I can work with both sides of the table. One particular issue that I have not supported in the past was the Extended Day on Learning program. They worked on it and tried to sell it to the committee. I could not support that because I felt that the MCAS performance needed to be harnessed FIRST during the regular day.
p>Now with regards to the Educational bill I do think there was clear weakening of some parts that dealt with the full ability of Superintendents to fire non-performing employees. Also I do agree with the provision that allows a school committee to “shut down” a chronically under performing school, and re-open it “as a commonwealth charter” school clear from extensive collective bargaining.
p>That doesn’t strip teachers of the ability to teach, or the ability to work it just says “we as the governing bodies” must take corrective action not dictated by the union leadership.
p>Its a rough factor to lose jobs, or have benefits reduced but the “regular guys and ladies” in manaufacturing, private sector etc are going through it. but it is student achievement that is the goal.
p>Now that the bill goes to a joint committee for final resolution work we will all have to see if its changed again. Ernie, in my service I have always worked towards fair wages and benefits for employees that fit within the budget, not cripple it. I am not a huge fan of the “bargaining minutia” that goes along with it.
of your valuable campaign time bickering with a non-voter like me?
p>You have so much to learn my son.
My friendly but strong advice is that you now ignore him. If you’re not willing to say the unions are evil you’ll get nowhere with EB3. He apparently doesn’t have patience for an actual discussion of policy merits either. Since he doesn’t even acknowledge your district as being in MA I’m sure he’s not a voter in your district anyway.
You gave a long policy wonk boring Kerryesque answer that never identified what you find wrong with the bill. Citing Bill numbers… Yawn.
p>The details. What about the details? Anything?
p>Or are you just a parrot. Your answer was parrot like.
p>You have shown no evidence that you are anyhting but a shill for pubclic unions. However, you keep solidifying my opinion that you are.
p>You need to show some independent thinking my friend. Where are do you draw the line in the sand against public unions. It appears from the record you boast of that you never do.
…firefighters and police officers are not voters, taxpayers, and constituents? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with organizing around professional interests. A little respect for first responders with a more dangerous job than most of us have would be nice.
a) On this blog (and most others), you can edit a post after you’ve posted it. I think your post would be better if you edited it to add the info about who’s stepping down.
p>b) To reply to a comment, reply to that comment. That keeps the threads of discussion arranged together, and makes the context of your remarks clearer to people. When you reply to the post rather than to a comment, people will often read your comment without having read the comment you intended to reply to, so they won’t know why you’re saying what you’re saying.
Thanks for youe comments.