The New England Vending Company. These guys have been maintaining vending machines in just about every break-room in the state for years. When the caf is closed or you’re working the third shift on a Sunday there is no better sight then a New England Vending Machine vending machine.
Really. What does it take to manage slot machines? Make sure the machines work, empty the coin boxes every so often, and when they break – call the guy that fixes them (he’s on your speed dial). Oh, and hire an illegal immigrant to walk around with a squirt bottle and rag wiping all the schmegney and phlegm off the machines
Okay then, it’s settled. New England Vending Machine Company will be the Massachusetts licensee for slot machines.
Charlie Baker and Scott Brown exemplify the Republican Party problem. Agree with Charlie Baker or not, he is intellectually legitimate and respects government and process.
Brown on the other hand is only as good as the headline and the first paragraph of the latest Boston Herald outrage. Popular politics for the borderline retarded.
If the Republican Party wants to grow in this state it is time for more Charlie Bakers and Avi Nelsons and less Scott Browns and Howie Carrs.
Yesterday I pointed out a Herald report stating Rep. Peter Koutoujian had $500,000.00 on hand while ways and Means Chair Charley Murphy had $4,000. Koutoujian’s proclivity to raise dough and not spend it has always irked me an so I pointed it out yesterday. (It’s the same as Deval irking me for calling into his house parties. It doesn’t sit right with me)
The Murphy figure sounded a little too low though. He’s been the chair for almost a year. But then I looked at the reports the Herald referred to. They are a year old. In fact the 2009 reports aren’t due for a few weeks. So expect Murphy to have somewhere north of $200,000 in his account when he files. That is what a ways and means chair going through the motions should raise and I don’t see Murphy being any different. If Koutoujian was the chair he would raise millions.
But I wonder, why did the Herald want to deceive people into believing Murphy was poor and Koutoujian was rich? Who are they carrying the water for?
This is the funniest video I have ever seen. Why? Because it is funnier each time I watch it. This guy goes from Sir Laurence Olivier to Bernie Mac in zero point two seconds. I can watch this over and over. Check it out, it’s real short.
(Unfortunately I read the formatting tips and still don’t know how to embed the video.It’s me not you. Perhaps one of the editors can help me out.)
Boston needs this guy. Hey Channel 7, I’d watch because of him.
Thanks to the Prez at Boston Barstool Sports for posting his top 100 videos of the decade. That’s where I saw it.
you’ll enjoy this one too:… The guy is hilarious.
This is a great clip. Warning — contains adult language đŸ™‚
This one’s straight up funny:
p>This one is slightly pornographic, but appeared on a local newscast:
New England Vending Machine, but here in the West, the mob used to run a lot of the vending machine business.