Springfield Police Officer Jeffrey M. Asher likes to beat people up. Check out this video and story showing the pussy at his best. The story tells of many other incidents that this sackless, disturbed, girlie like pussy has done.
(Please note, I am deliberately using the words pussy and Jeffrey Asher. Especially in the headline. I want this headline to appear on first page when ever anyone googles the word officer Asher or Officer Jeffrey Asher or Police Office Jeffrey Asher or Jeffrey M. Asher or Police Officer Jeffrey M. Asher. Or pussy.)
Let him know only pussies are cops that beat people up because it feels good. I mean we all know a lot of pussies became cops and are still pussies. But many are normal too. I’d prefer a corrupt cop over a pussy-weight-lifting-muscle-head-arms-folded-balding-loser-cop Do those guys know that normal real “men” look at them and laugh. What a pussies they think.
Now the other cops with him during the beatings are not pussies.
They are assholes. Not for letting a guy get beat up but because they only fuck themselves. Idiots.
How many of those guys might lose their jobs or worse because of what they said or didn’t say in the report. I bet they feel real good telling their wives they may be in trouble because of Pussy Springfield Police Office Jeffrey Asher. Pussy police officer Jeffrey Asher needed a beating from his fellow cops a long time ago.
If these guys can’t self-police themselves then screw them! Time to send messages to the cops that allow pussy Asher to exist.
We need cameras on every cruiser in commonwealth. Would Officer Asher, the pussy, have tried to kill this guy had he known cameras were there?
Would the other cops be needlessly stressing out over this?
Protect the families of police officers. Put cameras in every cruiser so pussies like Asher can’t take away other guy’s jobs, rank, salaries, pensions, etc.
Hey Jeffry Asher, you pussy, I’ll take you own. One on one. No weapons, no uniform, no cops behind you. C’mon. Just me and your fat little balding pussy body. I would come out of hiding to kick the shit out of you in one of those cage fights.
Springfield Armory – Sell out crowd just to watch a pussy melt.
Gee this rant felt good. I hope the pussy reads this. Anyone know an e-mail address of Jeffrey M. Asher in Springfield so we can send him this?
Another thing. The Springfield D.A. does not have the case yet. He’s waiting for “internal investigation” being done by the Springfield P.D.
That’s the problem with District Attorneys like this guy and Dan Conley. Turning a blind eye to this shit.
Anyone following the trial of the murder of the off-duty Revere cop? Remembr the morning it happened D.A. Dan Conley vowing to find the cop killer(s)? I wanted to throw up when I heard that.
That cops, physicians and some other brotherhoods cannot bring themselves to banish their incompetent, malevolent or criminal members is beyond me. You would think their professional pride would trump their bonds of loyalty but too often its seems it’s the opposite. I doubt that Asher is ever a cop again. Hope not.
With those quantities he was obviously selling drugs to others people, ruining their lives as well as his own. Plus, you would think after just getting out of prison he would stay straight for awhile but what a surprise, crimes again! Hopefully he will go away for along time after this trial.
I won’t comment on the Springfield cops. I have indirect personal connetions with two, though not Asher.
p>If you want a genunine turkey, however, look no farther than Holyoke. The chief there had a hissy fit when a judge dismissed a case because he didn’t believe the testimony of Officer Paul Barkyoumb. (The judge knew by personal experience that the timeline he testified to was impossible). The cop was a sort of protege of the chief. DA William Bennett, who also publicly defended the state’s crime lab a couple of years ago, also criticized the judge.
p>It wasn’t long before the cop was in the jackpot when he allegedly stole the cell phone of a suspect and proceeded to send threatening text messages to his ex-girlfriend.
p>Now, the DA is seeing cases dismissed because Barkyoumb can’t show up to testify.
Not sure I understand. Are you saying don’t dismiss bad cops because they won’t be able to testify on certain cases?
a bad chief and a bad cop who-no excuses for the Springfield beating-has jeopardized several cases through his own malfeasance and the protection of his chief.
This diary is shockingly stupid, even for eb3.
p>I’m sure he’ll explain that “pussy” isn’t offensive on his planet, but threatening to attack people is over the line. I wonder if blog posts are admissible in court?
he offered to fistfight. Totally different.
Go ahead and google “officer Jeffrey Asher” or “Jeffrey Asher springfield”
p>The second or third thing that comes up, in big letters, is
“Police Officer Jeffrey Asher Is A Big Pussy”.
p>I would rather have recieved one of his beatings than have that up there front and center for the rest of my life.
p>If public humilation is the only tool we have in proteting society from violent criminals like Jeffrey Asher, then so be it.
p>Just thing how agitated the prick is when ever he or anyone googles his name. Only thing worse than being a pussy is being a child molester.
p>Victory is Mine!
Is this a great country or what?
…you’ve been reverting to the personality that I believe got you banned for awhile. I prefer the witty EB3 to the nasty one; bring him back.