Obama better get up here ASAP! This video ain’t cutting it. BTW, all this last minute hand-wringing and nail-biting wouldn’t be necessary if our Legislature hadn’t screwed with the succession laws in the first place. Too cute by half, I believe the saying goes.
p>I’d much rather be playing a parlor game of who-will-Deval-appoint than the unmitigated disaster that could be looming…
would be the perfect message in retaliation for
the bailout bill and the current destroy health care bill.
the bailout bill, but there are some positive things in the both the House and Senate health care bills.
p>More importantly, I just don’t want a pro-torture, anti-same-sex marriage climate change denier representing me in the U.S. Senate. There is nothing about that circumstance that seems remotely “perfect” for me…
Obama is going to put his presidential stature on the line for this race. His staff have seen the close polls and they don’t want to make this special election a referendum on his presidency.
p>I would be shocked if he came…
If you’re right about his motive, then his presidential stature is already diminished by this kind of timidity.
It’s why I like take-no-BS brawlers like Capuano, Grayson, etc. I think Martha is a bad position because of the Shannon O’Brien candidacy, where she was accused of being ‘shrill’ or ‘bitchy’ by the pundits and Romney campaign. It seems that it’s more difficult to run as a brawler if you’re female.
No…really! This video is a big laugh. Obama sold everybody down the river a long time ago! Who’re you all kidding?
You have to remember Martha was one of the few MA superdelegates who sided with the majority of primary-voting Mass Democrats and supported Hillary Clinton to the end. Having to support Martha now is no small feat for Obama.
Obama better get up here ASAP! This video ain’t cutting it. BTW, all this last minute hand-wringing and nail-biting wouldn’t be necessary if our Legislature hadn’t screwed with the succession laws in the first place. Too cute by half, I believe the saying goes.
p>I’d much rather be playing a parlor game of who-will-Deval-appoint than the unmitigated disaster that could be looming…
would be the perfect message in retaliation for
the bailout bill and the current destroy health care bill.
the bailout bill, but there are some positive things in the both the House and Senate health care bills.
p>More importantly, I just don’t want a pro-torture, anti-same-sex marriage climate change denier representing me in the U.S. Senate. There is nothing about that circumstance that seems remotely “perfect” for me…
Obama is going to put his presidential stature on the line for this race. His staff have seen the close polls and they don’t want to make this special election a referendum on his presidency.
p>I would be shocked if he came…
If you’re right about his motive, then his presidential stature is already diminished by this kind of timidity.
It’s why I like take-no-BS brawlers like Capuano, Grayson, etc. I think Martha is a bad position because of the Shannon O’Brien candidacy, where she was accused of being ‘shrill’ or ‘bitchy’ by the pundits and Romney campaign. It seems that it’s more difficult to run as a brawler if you’re female.
No…really! This video is a big laugh. Obama sold everybody down the river a long time ago! Who’re you all kidding?
You have to remember Martha was one of the few MA superdelegates who sided with the majority of primary-voting Mass Democrats and supported Hillary Clinton to the end. Having to support Martha now is no small feat for Obama.