As we move toward the election of our next US Senator, the GOP has been
promoting Scott Brown(R) as an independent voice. I have not seen anything that
may indicate an independent voice coming from the Brown campaign or his voting
record. He has voted the party line 96% of the time while in Boston and he will
continue that stance in Washington DC. If the democratic party decides to bring up
policies of Scott Brown and his similarities to the past Bush administration , they
dispel it and claim we are looking at the past. The fact that Martha Coakley is not
running against George W. Bush personally is true, but what also is true is Martha is
technically running against George Bush’s policies.
I understand the Republican party here in Massachusetts and across the nation wants
every single person to forget the record of the former President and the similarities
between the GOP’s platform and their candidates, including Scott Brown. The fact of
the matter is, George W Bush was their party’s leader and the sooner the public
forgets who George Bush was and what his policies did to this great country the
better off the GOP will be.
Scott Brown has been a party line Republican, NOT an independent voice. Scott
Brown has spoken out against the public option and the house bill, which had a
positive poll rating across the country and positive congressional budget office
numbers to bring down the deficit and healthcare costs. Now that the public option is
gone, he still opposes the bill. All the while he has also yet to clarify what he would do
to fix the problem of costs and coverage. He will be joining the ranks of the party of
NO. No reform and NO solutions.
Martha will push for a public option, and the version of health insurance reform that
the majority of Americans need and want. Support Martha Coakley with me this
January 19th, 2010 and let’s never forget our recent history and the failed policies of
the Bush administration, no matter how much the GOP would like you to have
selective amnesia.
peter-porcupine says
Ray – Check the expiration date on that milk carton – it’s beginning to smell funny. And with Obama continuing and expanding Bush’s foreign policy stances (the bulk of his reputation, except for AIDS funding), it’s a little more sour than you realize.
p>BTW – are you suggesting that Coakley WOULDN’T vote a party line? I realize she HAS no record to be held up, but still…
ray-m says
She voiced her opposition to 30K troops in Afghanistan and with that opposition to the President. Even Scott picked up on that, but still comtinued to point to her being a partisan Senator….Scott cant have it both ways….Martha will vote the party line when she sees fit and vote against it also….I haven’t seen Scott go against ANYTHING the GOP SAYS>
peter-porcupine says
sabutai says
…what is the “expiration date” on the Bush recession/depression, needless invasion of Iraq, and other massive mistakes.
huh says
Remember: being a Republican means never having to take responsibility… for anything.
kathy says
The Republicans want to now blame everything on the Dems because they’ve controlled Congress for 3 years and the Presidency for 1 year.
p>From 1986 to 2006, Republicans controlled Congress. From 2000 to 2006, Republicans controlled both WH and Congress. PP’s statement is emblematic of the Republicans’ desire to point the finger anywhere but where it belongs – at themselves.
p>The deficits are your responsibility, the wars are your responsibility, the multiple failures in foreign policy are your responsibility. In short, Republicans have added zero value to the US since Reagan took office.
kirth says
seems to agree with your last sentence.
p>GOP Strategist Todd Harris Can’t Name One Thing Republicans Have Done for the Country in 20 Years