In the debate he came across as inarticulate and unable to discuss and perhaps comprehend the nuances of issues that have huge consequences. His defense mechanism for his lack of intellectual awareness is arrogance and condescension.
He’s good a repeating phrases, yet most times they sound forced. He uses his airtime on the radio to repeat the same ole ‘people are sick and tired’ rap. No positive solutions. And nothing original.
The more you look the less you see. A male model, marries a TV reporter/model/video star (I can’t get that song out of my head) and becomes a politician. Their daughter seeks fame and gets it, and as of yesterday her little sister is being talked about.
His image is one of props. Family, pick-up truck, National Guard uniform, snow ball fights, Santa hats, constant reference to his famous daughter and her hope to be famous younger sister.
(Now everyone go ahead and tell me I am crossing the line for attacking his family. Scott puts them out there to defend him. He is uses them as props. Really Scott, this race ain’t about them.)
Scotty calls himself the “average guy”. Sure you are Scott. Sure you are.
Sorry Scott. In my opinion you are a wannabe celebrity whore who constantly needs an ego orgasm. This isn’t based on this campaign. I’ve mentioned how lame you are before. But a complete empty suit like you cannot stand up straight for long.
Between now and Tuesday I expect the state to become well aware of Scott’s serious limitations.
When you have advertising dollars like Martha, six days is a long long time to correct the public’s perception of someone. Just ask Tiger.
Elizabeth Edwards gets beat up unfairly in a new book coming out. New York Magazine (why can’t Boston Mag be like that, only smaller?) ran an excerpt which tries to make the case that Elizabeth is a witch. It comes up very short. But her husband, well… I just don’t know the words to accurately describe him.
p>You don’t know me.
p>Tarbender, another whiskey please.
Yeah, but his truck has two hundred thousand miles on it! Two hundred thousand! From driving it! Places!
But I agree with Ernie.
p>I don’t want to live in a state where Scott Brown is my US Senator. He represents the worst of the right: intellectually lazy, reflexively conservative, faux-populist who questions the patriotism of others that show interest in actually upholding the Constitution.
p>The reason he has been sputtering so hard against the Bush/Cheney comparisons is because they hit so close to home.
p>But we have noone to blame but his opponent. She thought it would be a cakewalk and campaigned that way for the first month. Her foot should have been on his throat since Primary Night, and it wasn’t.
p>I just hope Coakley’s “Get Out the Vote” operation is as strong as it should be.
“I just hope Coakley’s “Get Out the Vote” operation is as strong as it should be. “
p>JOIN IT!!!
We need to stop them from screwing things up worse than they already are. Stop the Dems in 2010.
As much as Scott Brown will be “more of the same” for the GOP. And we know that didnt work well for those of us not making $250,000 a year.
for those of us with “cadillac” healthcare premiums, which means most people in Massachusetts…we’re going to be paying more taxes, courtesy of “healthcare reform.” It almost doesn’t matter which party you vote for anymore.
Did 8 years of Republican rule teach you nothing?
were told to vote Obama, because they were told that McCain would tax their health benefits. Now we have Obama and the Democrats getting ready to tax our health benefits. What the hell is the difference, huh? Six of one, half dozen of the other.
That kind of cynical BS is exactly how we got 8 years of hell under Bush.
but it’s true. Union members were told McCain would tax their benefits and now my own party is planning to do the same.
I’ve no idea what was or wasn’t promised, but just off the top of my head, here’s 5 issues where Scott’s positions are incredibly worse than Martha’s:
p>- gay rights – Scott is against them. Gay marriage, especially.
– health care reform – Scott opposes it
– sex education – Scott opposes it
– death penalty – Scott is for it
– torture – Scott is a fan of waterboarding
It’s campaign finance reform….while our candidate has a fund raiser with Big Pharma and the health insurers.
p>The reform of the financial industry…which is rapidly becoming a joke, despite the fact that Democrats control both houses.
p>Job. I’m concerned about this “jobless” recovery, and wonder why this isn’t getting the attention it deserves.
p>It’s the buying and selling of our government, and we pretend it’s all good, as long as it’s our guys that are doing it.
…because Kerry Healey would change their health care contribution and change the pension system.
p>So…Deval Patrick changed the health care contribution and the pension system.
p>I am NOT saying these were wrong things to do – I happen to agree with them – but do you see a THEME emerging?
Each and every person will pay more for all the freebee care.
p>This healthcare bill does NOTHING to bend the cost cure, nothing! It puts 30+ million people on the medical insurance which gets subsidized by poor slobs like me. It does absolutely nothing to bring down patient care costs.
p>I’m in favor of taxing Cadillac plans though, but not more taxes.
He apparently knows more.
Medicare? Social Security? Maybe they should hire me!
JohnD thinks he knows more. Pick a subject, any subject…
Calling you out for the “3” – I have linked everything I’ve written about the healthcare tax on healthcare benefits. Am I lying or do you not believe that Obama’s planning to tax healthcare benefits, which should affect 1 in 3 union members? My husband (union firefighter) has already gotten an email about it.
Please notice that JohnD zeroed me for saying life under Bush was hell. Healthcare is hugely important, but there are many, many other issues.
Well, Ernie, how do you feel this pharase fits John Edwards?
p>”Ambulance and skirt-chasing tort lawyer and meglomanical hypocrite and manipulator of the lowest order of political species.”
p>Great to see your cogent political analysis and your polls back after the holiday break. Hope the respite recharged your literary and political batteries.
p>Most particularly.
p>Rest of the Diary is terrific too. And the poll. I voted for the porn star scandal.
p>Back to work calling for M-M-M-Martha.
look out for us sisters, Judy.
p>Go Martha!
ErnieB3…you sure have old Scott’s number. I’m guessing you have met this odd guy with the strange affect in your Beacon Hill travels. Call Dan Rea who has been shilling for Scott for weeks and give his listeners an earful about this would-be US Senator with the pretty face and empty suit.
See link:…
Shouldn’t it be Scott Brown trysting with Sarah Palin?
p>The list goes on and on.
p>You heard it here first.
he can see Rhode Island from his back porch in Wrentham.