He was scared to say it, so his campaign put out a statement (man up, Brown, no need to hide behind your interns: say it, if you mean it). In addition to consistently pushing for tax cuts for Wall Street, Brown has now also taken a position today against going after big banks to recover the costs of last year’s federal bailout — necessitated by the ruin George W. Bush and the GOP made of our economy.
Republican Scott Brown has sided with Goldman Sachs against every taxpayer in Massachusetts.
DNC Chair Tim Kaine lays out the optics (email, no link):
The differences between Democrats and Republicans couldn’t be more clear: Democrats are standing with middle class taxpayers in support of President Obama’s proposal to hold Wall Street accountable for the cost of the bailout, while Republicans are standing with the big banks who caused the crisis and then gave extravagant bonuses to failed executives.
“And, in Massachusetts, the difference between Martha Coakley and Scott Brown just became even clearer. Martha Coakley will fight for taxpayers. But Republican Scott Brown will be a lockstep follower of the failed economic policies of George W. Bush — the policies that reward greed, punish working families, and created this recession. His zealous defense of Wall Street executives and their outrageous bonuses may play well with his national Republican base, but the people of Massachusetts will reject his failed Republican agenda.
Files a bill to allow rape victims to be denied emergency care.
His “200K” truck revealed as the shallow prop of a would-be populist who actually has four homes and Caribbean time share.
And just when it looked like the teabagger army really was about to invade Massachusetts.
. . . but that new Suffolk poll showing Brown up by four indicates that we do NOT have this in the bag. We gotta keep hitting the phones and hitting the pavement– from now until Tuesday, we’ve got work to do, so, no resting on laurels. That teabagger army just might invade, and it’s up to us to uphold the spirit of our Revolution-era forebears and keep those redcoats from winning!
Unless you actually hope that Brown wins (and I know you don’t), there is no chance of your comment being seen as concern trolling. Concern trolls pretend to be upset about something they care nothing about – like the right-wing howling about Reid using the word “negro.” They didn’t actually care about anyone using the word, they just wanted to stir up the muck. That is always the goal of concern trolling.
I know the Comm Ave area in the 1400’s to the 2000’s pretty well. Condo units at 1840 and 1870 Comm Ave in Brighton/Allston would be investment properties, not “homes” as you suggest.
p>33 Ocean View in Rye looks like a modest little Cape on a 8,000 sf lot, no garage, no water view, etc. Cute, but no Devall’s house in Richmond.
p>How many homes does John Kerry have? 10? Plus a private jet and $1,000,000 Hinkeley powerboat “Scaramouch.”
1840 #11 and 12, worth a combined ~$300k.
p>1870-8 is in Ayla’s name, and worth $180k.
p>So, yes Virginia, the Huffpost article is wrong, or Scott Brown lied on his reports, because the assessor’s values differ from the HuffPos numbers (in the direction of being worth more).
If you could buy:
p>How long would you hesitate?
p>Do you really think any of these would sell for these prices?
p>This discussion is about Scott Brown — specifically, his totally spurious attempt to be like “Joe Sixpack”, and the accuracy of his reports.
p>Why am I reminded of the dissonance between Howie Carr’s carefully-manicured public persona and the reality of his Wellesley estate? (Cue EB3).
I would say to tell Martha to stop lying about Scott Brown but I’ll just tell you…
p>Stop lying about Scott Brown
Show, don’t tell.
p>What’s a lie, and can you prove it?
p>Can someone please prove this lie? Scott Brown has not sided against EVERY taxpayer in MA. I can assure you that I am a HUGE taxpayer in MA, probably paying more than most people on BMG. But Scott Brown has not sided against me nor has he sided WITH Goldman Sachs. I personally think Obama’s plan sucks, especially the part about the banks having to pay for the money that GM has stolen borrowed.