Scott Brown did not respond to the ACLU’s Senate candidate survey on civil liberties last year, but statements like the one above give cause for concern. On the other hand, Brown proposed legislation at the State House to prohibit the use of certain electronic monitoring devices on cars. We hope to be able to find common ground on ways to limit government intrusion on individual rights and liberties, and to uphold key constitutional protections for equal protection and due process under the law.
The ACLU tries to do this with all elected officials. No matter who is in power or which way the political winds blow, the nonpartisan ACLU stands for core American values in the courts, in the State House, in Congress, and in the streets.
But to be effective, we need you with us. Learn how you can join and strengthen ACLU efforts to ensure that elected officials uphold the values of individual liberty, equality, and justice for all that have kept our Commonwealth and our nation safe and free. Register now for the ACLU Statewide Conference.