Is Republican Scott Brown turning into Sarah Palin leading a nationwide tea bagger army to “invade” Massachusetts (in their own words) before our eyes? That’s a disturbing enough image without the incoherent campaign statements that go along with it. Globe today:
“The allegation that I vote 96 percent of the time with Republicans is inaccurate.”
Uh, Scott, your votes are a matter of record. Fortunately, the helpful Coakley campaign was ready with a reality-based restorative:
Brown has voted with the Minority Leader of the Massachusetts Senate, Richard Tisei, 546 times from 2007-present. During that same period Brown voted against the Minority Leader only 25 times. In other words, Brown has voted with the current Republican Minority Leader 96% of the time from 2007-present. [Insta-Trac/The Advance Research Group Database]
The really sad thing about this is that Brown doesn’t seem to have the courage of his convictions, even when the facts of his own record stare him in the face. There is a case to be made for voting with the Massachusetts Republicans. Our pals at Red Mass Group make it as well as anyone, in my opinion. Time to stand up, sir, stand up, and man up to your own positions and your voting record.
I’m seeing “Scott Brown Hilariously” twice in a row on the front page.
As you know. đŸ˜‰