Scotty doesn’t know the issues and we
need to kick him in the can on Tuesday.
He tells him us he’s JFK, (and he’s no regular Joe),
Still he’s in his truck and Scotty doesn’t know!
Oh Scotty doesn’t know!
So Don’t Tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn’t know!
Scotty doesn’t know!
So Don’t Tell Scotty!
Scotty says he’s out shopping,
With our 237 billion and he’s not stopping…
Because Scotty doesn’t know!
Scotty doesn’t know! (X3)
So don’t tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn’t know!
Don’t tell Scotty!
I can’t believe we’re so trusting,
While he’s right behind us thrusting.
Martha’s got him by the cojone,
And we’re trying not to groan.
It’s a three-way debate and he knows nothing!
Scotty doesn’t know!(X3)
So don’t tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn’t know!(X3)
We’ll put on a show!
Everyone will go!
Scotty doesn’t know!(x3)
The illegal uniformed spot
Why not? It’s all cool when the insurance companies have you bought!
Blackwater’s got him wrapped with a bow
Life is so hard because Scotty doesn’t know!
Exxon handouts on Earth Day…
Scotty doesn’t know!(X4)
Scotty doesn’t know!
Scotty won’t know!
Scotty doesn’t know!
Scotty’s gotta know!
Gotta tell Scotty!
Gotta tell him myself!
Scotty doesn’t know! (X10)
[Chant] Scotty doesn’t know! (x7)
[Chant] Scotty’s gotta go!
Note: I don’t have the musical or video-editing skills, but if anyone wants to sing the new version and set it to a montage of relevant debate/ad clips, I’d love to see it.