How am I supposed to compete with Wall Street in a money race? How does balance Goldman Sachs? How do the unions? They don’t. Again, obviously.
To me it’s not hyperbole to say conservatives on the Supreme Court have betrayed the country.
We are a worse country than we were a week ago. We’ve taken significant steps toward being a crueler, stupider, and more corrupt place. Thanks to the SCOTUS we will be even crueler, stupider, and more corrupt in ten years.
And one thing should be clear: conservatives who approve of this disgrace can never again say that “activist judges” are a problem. Because it doesn’t get more activist than this.
But the whole “activist judges” thing was a joke anyway, an attempt to cover their anger that they lost ground by claiming judges weren’t behaving impartially, as judges ought to. Nope, that fig leaf has been removed: activist judges are just fine, as long as they rule the right way.